Author Topic: Nations at War  (Read 57434 times)

Nations at War

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Year: 1965

- N/A

Nation Format:
Code: [Select]
-Insert flag here-

[b]Nation Name:[/b]
[b]Government Type:[/b]

[b]Economy Type:[/b]
[b]*Currency in comparison to Euros:[/b]

[b]Population:[/b](Starting pop. max = 2,000,000)

[b]*Major Cities:[/b]
[b]Capital City:[/b]

[b]Trade Partners:[/b]

[b]*Defcon Level:[/b]
[b]Military Tech:[/b]

*= Optional

Grace Period:
The grace period allows people to join the game whilst the OP is absent, and are allowed to roleplay passively along with the other nations. However, if a nation within grace period attacks a player whilst being unprovoked can result in eviction from the thread, if a nation under grace period is attacked they are allowed to attack the nation(s) attacking them and invade them, if Grace Period is found to be abused, for example: A nation under grace period having their friend attack them so they can be big before they're officially implemented, Grace Periods shall cease to exist and no one new shall be able to enjoy any bit of roleplay whilst the OP is away.

1. This isn't the future, you're not gonna be zipping through space in your fancy shuttles.
2. You may not use real life political figures as your own, ex. Riddler, Stalin...
3. You are to start as a small nation, this is to provide room for other nations.
4. You cannot asspull help from aliens or western civilization, this is about europe, not the United States.
5. You must create your own empire, I don't want some half assed, "Union of Britain" I want something creatively made by your own individual mind.
6. You are not allowed to powergame, ex. taking land without properly battling.
7. You are not allowed to metagame, ex. Billy tells Sam about something Chris told to Billy about Jim, and then Sam uses that info against Jim.
8. This is a roleplay, you are encouraged to roleplay out your actions and to keep drama out of the thread, what I mean is don't get mad when someone ICly takes an action or says something you don't like and flip out in the thread.
9. By request, at the moment you are not allowed to create nuclear weaponry such as nuclear missiles and what not.

1. You are allowed to upgrade your technology so long as it isn't excessive.
2. You are allowed to begin wars over racial or religious reasons.
3. You can perform secret missions in attempts to sabotage or obtain information.
4. You can play.
5. You can attempt to attack/sabotage trade routes.
6. You're allowed to expand in land, but not excessively in a short amount of time.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2013, 01:48:11 PM by blazerblock2 »

Eurasia: Nations at War


Government Type:  Communism (Really just a dictatorship)
Economy Type:  Command

Nation Name: Vierte
Government Type: Socialist State
Economy Type: Communist market

Nation Name: New Palestra
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy Type: Market economy

Government Type:  Communism
Economy Type:  Industrial (Controlled by Military)

Economy Type: Controlled Market

Nation Name:Yaslovakia
Government Type:   Autocratic monarchy
Economy Type:

Nation Name: The Arab Confederation
Government Type: Confederation with monarchal tendencies
Economy Type: Free

Nation Name: Globinsphere
Government Type: Constitutional Monarchy
Economy Type: Market

Tsardom of Belsnia

Government Type: Absolute Monarchy by Divine Right
Economy Type: Mixed Economy

Nation Name: Titania
Government Type: Parliamentary Republic

Independent Atsinan State of Gibraltar
Government Type: Democratic Republic
« Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 01:23:10 PM by blazerblock2 »

    Eurasia: Nations at War
    Current Events

    • 1949.  The German Socialist Republic has fallen! -  After Abdullahian forces successfully overthrew the Dresden party, the revolution was unable to uphold the republic, leading to the country's end.
    • 1949.  Vierte has claimed DSR's land! -  After the fall of DSR, Vierte immediately claims the land that had been claimed and owned by DSR, causing some hostility with the Abdullahian military forces currently occupying the space.
    • 1953.  Abdullahi declares war on Vierte! -  After Viertan forces advance upon Abdullahian forces in DSR's remnants, Abdullahi officially declares war, countering the offensive.
    • 1953.  BFSSR joins the war! -   BFSSR has sent their own soldiers to aid Vierte in the war against Abdullahi for the German's land.
    • 1954.  BFSSR falls! -  BFSSR suddenly ceases to function under its current government, and no longer is officially a country.
    • 1954.  Tengoku joins the war! -  After Vierte makes claims in Asia over Tengoku's land, Tengoku is enraged and joins the war against Vierte.
    • 1955.  Vierte withdraws it's claims over DSR's land! -  Vierte officially dropped their claims over DSR's land, and Abdullahi takes control of DSR.
    • 1955.  Atsina claims islands owned by Vierte! -  Hostility has been sparked between Atsina and Vierte after Atsina claimed two islands owned by Vierte.
    • 1956.  Land disputes settled; the war is over! -  After 3 long years, the war over German soil has come to a halt.  Abdullahi, Vierte, and Atsina are once again allies.  DSR's land goes to Abdullahi.
    • 1958.  War in Atsina! -  The several states of Titania fight back after Atsina pushes too far into French territories.
    • 1963.  Atsina collapses! - Atsina has collapsed, the remnants of the mainland have been annexed by Titania, while the colony in Gibraltar declares its independence, forming its own country.
    « Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 02:04:24 PM by blazerblock2 »

    Eurasia: Nations at War

    none because apparently land claims are essential
    « Last Edit: June 21, 2013, 09:50:10 AM by blazerblock2 »


    Government Type:  Communism (Really just a dictatorship)

    Economy Type:  Command
    *Currency:  Shilling
    *Currency in comparison to Euros: 1 Shilling = 1.07 Euro

    Population:  3,561,765
    Religions:  Islam
    Languages:  Swahili, Arabic, Afrikaans, African Tribal

    *Major Cities:  Later.
    Capital City:  Laterrrrrrrrr

    Trade Partners:  Iria, BFSSR, Atsina
    Alliances:  Iria, BFSSR, Atsina
    Organizations:  N/A

    *Defcon Level: 4
    Military Tech:

    Common Attire

    SVT-40 - Standard Infantry
    Mosin-Nagant - Marksman/Sniper/Special Forces
    PPSh-41 - Standard Infantry/Special Forces
    Degtyaryov Machine Gun (RP-46) - Standard Infantry
    Tokarev TT-33 - All
    Titanian AR-62 (Elite guard only)

    Land Vehicles:
      -Upelelezi MKG 222
      -Uchunguzi MKG 250
      -Mashambulizi MKG 265
      -Mpinzani A30
      -Mpinzani A34
      -Mpinzani A41
      -Fisadi A50
    Aerial Vehicles:
      -Radi Heavy Bomber (RNM)
      -Kema Dive Bomber (KKM)
      -Ziraili IX Fighter (ZMN)
      -Ukafunge 39 Jet Fighter (UMN)
    « Last Edit: July 10, 2013, 10:11:45 PM by blazerblock2 »

    Nation Name: Vierte
    Government Type: Socialist State

    Economy Type: Communist market
    Currency: Geld
    Currency in comparison to Euros: 1 Geld = 0.5 Euro

    Population: 1,005,347
    Religions: Christianity
    Languages: German


    Major Cities: Raumhafen, Berlin, Copenhagen
    Capital City: Viertelicht

    Trade Partners: BFSSR, Atsina
    Alliances: BFSSR, Atsina
    Organizations: N/A

    Military Security Level: High
    Military Tech: Late 1930s Germany
    « Last Edit: June 30, 2013, 10:25:17 AM by Gojira »


    Tsardom of Belsnia
    царство белcя
    Belsnian, Belsniak, Rossian

    Славься Родина
    Slav'sya Rodina
    Anthem: God Save the Tsar

    Capital: St. Fydorsgobod
    Major cities: St. Fydorsgobod, Muscovgrad

    Languages: Russian (Dominant), Ukrainian, Lithuanian, Mongolian
    Religions: Russian Orthodox (Dominant), Catholicism, Islam
    Anthem of the Tsar and Guard
    Government: Absolute Monarchy by divine right
    Tsar: Alexander III
    Tsarevich: Alexander IV
    Family: Queen Natalia, Princess Maria
    Governing Senate of The Kingdom of Belsnia
    -Upper House: State Council of the Tsardom of Belsnia
    -Lower House: State Duma of the Tsardom of Belsnia

    Population: 3,916,104
    Currency: Belsnian Ruble (1 BRUB = 1 EURO)

    Anthem of the Armed Forces Order: Ground Forces, Tankmen, Artillerymen, Air Forces.

    Current Russian uniforms/equipment.
    « Last Edit: July 09, 2013, 07:00:50 PM by Mikoyan »

    Erinaum - on grace period for 3 years and counting.

    Democratic Republic of Yugoslavia

    Nation Name: Yugoslavia
    Government Type: Social Democracy - A democracy indeed, all Yugoslav cultures are accepted and allowed to vote.
    However the previous government had made it clear that the living conditions and prosperity of people must not be ignored.
    The system is not allowed to make a harsh life for them. While the previous government focused on equality of all. This government must follow the rules which the previous one had set out. Meaning there must be a minimum acceptable life standard. Education, living space and similiar is provided by the government. Without any fees.

    Economy Type: Modified State Capitalism - Consisted of free markets in the long run. However. The government has the ability to shut down any factory or to open up buy, sell whatever they please for the good of the people. As they follow their previous beliefs of communism. Most of the economy is consisted of governmental factories, shops and similiar. But people are now free to own their own business. Alas the government remains strong in the economic sector, ensuring minimal if none unemployment and decent living standards.
    *Currency: Yugoslav Dinar
    *Currency in comparison to Euros: 1 YUM = 0.51 EUR

    Population: 1.056.457
    Religions: Islam, Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, Hebrew
    Languages: All Yugoslav Languages - Slovenian, Croatian, Bosnian, Serbian, Macedonian

    Major Cities: Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade, Dubrovnik
    Capital City: There is no predesigned capital city. Due to the various cultural differences. This is almost always a debate.
    In the parlament of democratic Yugoslavia. However, the previous communistic dictator. Had stated, that no culture will be ever allowed.
    To reach a higher ground over other cultures. Thus the capital was never elected. Only the most developed cities were admited as.
    Capital cities. This being fairly confusing to all outsiders but turns out it works nicely for the people.
    The capitals being the cities of the four dominant republics which consist the majority of Yugoslavia.
    Which would be: Ljubljana, Zagreb, Sarajevo, Belgrade

    Trade Partners: Abdullahi
    Alliances: Abdullahi, Atsina, BFSSR
    Organizations: The Slavic Union

    Defcon Level: 5
    Military Tech:

    Military tech of Yugoslavia consists almost of everything that the old USSR would have had. Considering the basis of the country upon real history. In fact, most Eastern countries have Eastern tech which is mostly from Russia. So that gives you a plain picture of the 1930s tech from Ruskies.

    I'm not sure how the OP will respond to this as the country did exist in RL but never in a democratic form.
    I hope it is accepted if not I guess I'll have to remodel.

    Land claims were removed because they are dumb.  Just expand from now on.

    Land claims were removed because they are dumb.  Just expand from now on.
    Were you even paying attention to all the posts back in the old thread?  Miko WAS expanding throughout his claims.  When a milestone would have been achieved, he would have posted it.

    You know what?  forget it.  I'm not gonna participate in this if land claims are going to be toyed around with by a subjective-minded OP who thinks major factors of nations can be controlled by their decisions.

    I'm out.  Bye.

    (Not a BLF leaving post.)
    « Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 01:31:45 PM by SWAT One »

    lol k

    e:  Once everyone has re-posted their nations we can resume rp.
    « Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 02:16:32 PM by blazerblock2 »

    lol k

    e:  Once everyone has re-posted their nations we can resume rp.
    if miko and swat one are out im out
    also i liked land claims
    can we please get a op who doesn't change stuff please
    « Last Edit: June 19, 2013, 06:34:06 PM by mlockha »

    If mlockha's out I'm out