Author Topic: Alien Swarm in Blockland.  (Read 13401 times)

Project Leaders: MrMulch and Showdown(Spartan923).

Click the picture below to go to the 'Alien Swarm Mod Topic'

Here is a blurry picture.

Please note, the weapons and or addons that are in either pictures are not part of the pack.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2010, 10:18:16 PM by MrMulch »

Blockland is blockland...... alien swarm is alien swarm....

Yeah, because you obviously can't recreate another game in blockland. I will admit I have alot of modifications to make to other mods, for instance the Top-Down player needs to be closer to the player. But in the end it should turn out really fun.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 02:28:57 AM by MrMulch »

Blockland is blockland...... alien swarm is alien swarm....
Oh, what a wonderful first post..
Its clear you havnt been on Blockland long. But come on.. its a sandbox game.. We do what we want.

ctrl+p=picture or is it alt+p=picture? haha

Sorry but no. Alien swarm stays on the Source, and Unreal engine.

Sorry but no. Alien swarm stays on the Source, and Unreal engine.
Wait, so we have.. L4D (L4B), Tf2, Portal, Mirrors edge, and almost any other game, all in blockland so whats wrong with having Alien Swarm?

Read Mr.Mulches Next post.
« Last Edit: August 03, 2010, 01:57:44 PM by Alphadin »

Wait, so we have.. L4D (L4B), Tf2, Portal, Mirrors edge, and almost any other game, all in blockland so whats wrong with having Alien Swarm?

Simple. Alien swarm now sucks. Valve RUINED it.

Simple. Alien swarm now sucks. Valve RUINED it.
Get out.
It's a good idea.

Oh, what a wonderful first post..
Its clear you havnt been on Blockland long. But come on.. its a sandbox game.. We do what we want.

I was here since the 4k's back in v8. thu, i made a new forum acc since my first one had a typo.

Get out.
It's a good idea.

I'm being serious. Valve ruined it with their port.

I like the steam version better ^_^
(Ported by Valve. Downloaded from steam.)

Alright guys, I have some good news. Alphadin and his mod crew and the building team here are now working together as partners. I'm not entirely sure what this means yet, but when I figure it out. I will let you know.