
Do you like the new Clan Logo?


Author Topic: [UCBL] United Clans of Blockland (accepting applications)  (Read 3039 times)

    United Clans of Blockland


    I have a dream. That dream is that all Blockland clans are united and together for the greater good. And thus, the UCBL was formed on March 31st, 2011.

    Requirements to join

    • YOU NEED A CLAN!!!!Hence the terms 'United Clans'
    • You need at least 3 people in your clan
    • You have to attend the meetings regularly
    • Must have a clan with a GOOD reputation
    • Message me your Clan name/ All the people in your clan/ And your clan Leader
    • Must be an ORGANIZED Clan/ In otherwords, the clan has to have regular meetings, established leadership, and limited membership( having a test to get in/ Otherwise not just letting anybody into your clan)


    Positions and Clans

    Green:Clans that are apart of UCBL.
    Red:Clans that are undecided for joining the UCBL or have reserved spots.

      • Commander Istre
      • [UBB] Leader: Creed
      • [EC] Leader: killer2


    • I need two builders and architects.(Good ones Please)
    • Meetings are on Monday's/ Wensday's/ and Fridays's



    Clan Advertising

    « Last Edit: April 06, 2011, 06:44:51 PM by Commander Istre »

    The logo should look like the United Nations logo, but with a UCBL sign inside the globe. And the Blockland Logo as the background. The honorary member gets special access to stuff too. So join up! :D
    « Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 05:17:24 PM by Commander Istre »

    « Last Edit: April 02, 2011, 04:10:35 PM by creed »

    Did you get the name and theme from my clan? :|
    I dont think so..... What was your clans name???

    I had an idea similar to this nearly 3 years ago. >:o

    Well, good luck, anyway :D!

    Wow, first post contains the OP praising his own work.

    Wow, first post contains the OP praising his own work.

    You shouldnt give second in command to those who make you a logo.
    But anyway, PM me what you want for your logo, because i would like to help
    « Last Edit: March 31, 2011, 10:41:57 PM by FrozenEye »

    Wow, first post contains the OP praising his own work.

    You don't want BLAF to be in the united group, trust me

    BLAF has one of the worst reputations in Blockland. Remove them from your list. Everyone hates this clan.

    You don't want BLAF to be in the united group, trust me


    Hey, Thanks for adding us we hope more people see us now.


    {EC} would like to apply for a spot.

    {EC} would like to apply for a spot.

     Remember, PM me your clan name/leader/and people in it.