Author Topic: United States Government Shut Down_What is going on D:  (Read 7085 times)

I mean expensive as in yachts. Everyone should be allowed to have free food, a TV, a console/PC for entertainment and so on.
Everything in your post besides food is quite mandatory for living!

but you cant assume stuffty jobs will only ever be done by the poor unsuccessful people.

if poor people didnt exist, crap jobs would pay more to do stupid stuff, as the demand for that labor would be higher. thus the higher class could meet that demand. causing product price to rise, thus competition for quality is even stronger then before.

we have just only ever experienced the system with poor stuffhole people. its possible without them.

It would be better if we could master a reliable and relatively cheap source of energy like radioactivity, instead of using people as a workforce. Making a station that runs off deuterium in the stratosphere doesn't sound that bad.

It would be better if we could master a reliable and relatively cheap source of energy like radioactivity, instead of using people as a workforce. Making a station that runs off deuterium in the stratosphere doesn't sound that bad.
Wow, you are dumb, why would anyone use radioactivity to generate power?

So radioactivity isn't a reliable source of energy?

thats why you should all vote me for president.

i will fix poverty by not giving the unfortunate people stuff. they will be forced to try harder in life just to survive, making themselves useful to society for once.
and the economy grows.

sadly I have to say it, but bisjac is well right lol

So radioactivity isn't a reliable source of energy?
I doubt it would generate a lot of power, if any at all, necessary for consumer usage. (Correct me on this if needed)
It would have to be sealed tightly so it could not escape to environment.
Leaks of high levels of radioactivity can be dangerous.

I doubt it would generate a lot of power, if any at all, necessary for consumer usage. (Correct me on this if needed)
It would have to be sealed tightly so it could not escape to environment.
Leaks of radioactivity can be dangerous.

So far nobody tried building a 100% deuterium powerstation.(AKA we didn't measure the yield yet.) And we wouldn't have to worry that much about it escaping, hence heavy water (deuterium source) is not radioactive unless presented to neutrons.
« Last Edit: April 07, 2011, 11:37:53 AM by Azzurolix »

So far nobody tried building a 100% deuterium powerstation. And we wouldn't have to worry that much about it escaping, hence heavy water (deuterium source) is not radioactive unless presented to neutrons.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasons why this hasn't been done. If everything that sounds good in theory would work in reality, then we would live in a paradise.

I'm sure there are a lot of reasons why this hasn't been done. If everything that sounds good in theory would work in reality, then we would live in a paradise.

It's because producing neutrons themselves, let alone DIRECTING them into another tank is very hard.

there are like 100 more efficient and safe ways to produce energy that the world will never use.
because they are patents that current energy providers around the world owns. its just a game.

and other countries that wouldn't honor the patent laws, don't have the means to do it anyways.

the rich stay rich

in one way, the rich would become normal and everyone would end up equal because they would have to spread their money out equally and keep what they gave 2 everyone but this therory of mine is slightly different from communism because there is not any government taking your stuff

in one way, the rich would become normal and everyone would end up equal because they would have to spread their money out equally and keep what they gave 2 everyone but this therory of mine is slightly different from communism because there is not any government taking your stuff

The government taxes you to add to its budget. They keep something like 50% for themselves and the rest goes to various types of citizens.

in one way, the rich would become normal and everyone would end up equal because they would have to spread their money out equally and keep what they gave 2 everyone but this therory of mine is slightly different from communism because there is not any government taking your stuff
if the rich were normal and the poor were also normal.
there'd be absolutely no point to having a job. no point in trying to do stuff to get money.
no point in buying or selling because its all the same