Author Topic: Earth 2.0.  (Read 185473 times)

Neo World Federation is a worldwide peace organization based on the beliefs of the now dead AAEE. Any joined members will aid their allies during any form of aggression, and any form of treason to a member will result in an immediate counterstrike. To join the NWF, simply state that you will aid all allies, even during times of need.
Current Members:
Jairo(Republic of Aksuvistan)
lol stuffgroup. I'll try to maintain it if anyone actually joins.
We should totally create a United People Alliance.
Totally wasn't my idea or anything. Whatever.

Totally wasn't my idea or anything. Whatever.
It wasn't. The AAEE was made waaay before you came along.

It wasn't. The AAEE was made waaay before you came along.
I bet you all of Trejirmia's treasury that the NWF would not have been founded if I had not said that.

I still think you need a different name.

United Peoples' Alliance
In response to Trejirm's call for a new international group, the great political minds in the Trejirmian Government went to work, creating a self-sufficient council that will keep the world a peaceful, prospering place.

So, how does your great nation join the UPA?
  • Quite simple actually, just express your nations interests in joining, and we'll accept you accordingly. This is a free council, meaning Trejirm is not the "founder" or the self-appointed "leader", we are just another nation in this great organization.
  • War with the UPA does constitute all members to gather their forces and send minimum support to the front-lines, we must protect the ideals of liberty and equality among our nations.

  • Trejirm
  • Calder
  • Pact of Hermania
  • Nogova
  • Craedog
  • Republic of Aksuvistan
  • Irajinia
  • Porlaq

Current Situations:
The first resolution has been passed, with 2 votes for and none against. The next resolution is being sent out.

Current Proposals:

UPA Resolution 1 "Occupational Rights":
AGREE that occupying a nation under a government alteration process is legal, and may be occupied by several nations across Hera.

This alliance is a sign to your fellow man that you will protect them, that you will help them, and they will help you.
For "ask not what your world can do for you, ask what you can do for your world!" -Late President of the United States, Joe Edward Kennedie1

Stay strong my fellow nations!

1Note: The history of Earth's leaders is a bit skeptical,
 considering only stories survived the electronic wipes
 on-board the ships that brought us to Earth 2.
« Last Edit: July 18, 2011, 01:24:33 AM by Oasis »

Calder would like to join the UPA.

« Last Edit: June 08, 2011, 05:52:19 PM by HelplessNobb88 »

Trejirmian News
July 16th 2041
  • Trejirmia's population has officially grown to 100,000 people, forcing mass migrations across the oceans to the new territory.
  • Founder of the Nuka-Cola factory, Jorge Beniz, says he created the legendary company to hold onto the legacy of the Fallout game series, still popular as it brings in $1.6 million USD every quarter. Fallout: Age of Rebuilding will be out next year.

Population cap is now 15,000,000. Please don't suddenly change it to that. Remember, it has to steadily grow.

We have three peace organizations. What the forget.
NWF would like to combine their customs with the doppelganger and make one gigantic super peace federation.

A new country, the San Diego Party, would like a spot on the globe near Athens and Posistank. Our people are from mainly the U.S. but there are some Spanish, Brazilian, and Greek people as well.

Population: 197,205+
Military: not very strong, we are a peaceful country.
Government: Anarchy.
Flag: working on it.
National Anthem: O San Diego the Beautiful

Thank you, and I wish for peace.