Author Topic: (!Overpowered!)Megapistol. Inspired by Fallout NV.  (Read 11026 times)

I saw that there was a 9mm pistol in Fallout New Vegas that had 9999 damage. Probably used by the creators when running through the game for the first time. So I made a gun for Blockland that has 9999 damage. It can be used in insta-gib (t)dm's or to show your authoritah in RPG's or just to have fun against zombies. It can kill basically anything in one hit. It doesn't need a screenshot since it's just the original gun but the bullet trail is red instead of blue. It doesn't overwrite the normal gun either!

Download -

Note: Please do not flame this because it's overpowered. You don't need to use it. If you don't like overpowered weapons don't download this.

Credit Edit
Everything - Badspot
Idea - Me
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 10:05:50 AM by Sicarius »

No pics, No clicks!

It doesn't need a screenshot since it's just the original gun but the bullet trail is red instead of blue.

I see no use in this weapon
Instagib TDMs are easily done with a certain playertype
This weapon can be easily abused in RPGs and such
and killing zombies with this isn't fun either

This weapon can be easily abused in RPGs and such
Because there's no way to disable players from spawning weapons in mini-games, right bro?

And I dont see why anyone would host an RPG with this enabled. That's stupid. This gun is for recreational uses.

No pics, No clicks!
You have no idea how much this annoys me.

I just tested this out. And by the looks of it, it will be failed.

I just tested this out. And it seems fine to me. But what I did learn, is that zombie tanks have more than 9999 health. :o

Quality add-on right here.
Art: 15/10, simply amazing
Usefulness: 11/10, I don't see where you couldn't use it!
Effort: 9/10, could use just a little bit of spice. Maybe change the color of the gun!

Overall: 18/8, Best add-on ever.

It's probably a default gun color edit.

It's probably a default gun color edit.
it's the regular gun model, but the trail color is different

Why do people post stuff like this that no one is going to use?
« Last Edit: May 28, 2011, 05:39:05 PM by Red Cube »

Why do people post stuff like this that no one is going to use?
Because they think they will become popular by editing a script.

what's so big a deal? it's just a strong gun used for 1 shot kill tdm's and such. It's not "horrible" and it's not "awesome". But you don't need to insult him/it.