Author Topic: Brickbuddies  (Read 15340 times)

Author: Brian_Smith
I did not make this, Brian did and wanted me to post it. He made it based off of these lil guys. (number six)

This mod allows you to spawn a "brickbuddy," name it, and color it. Then you can use commands to fetch it, make it follow you, make it stop, or delete it so you can make another.

The commands are "/brickbuddy name color" (note: YELLOW DOES NOT WORK)
Then you can command it with /follow, /stop, /delete, or /fetchB

Oops.. messed it up

Download Here
still not working for people...

All fixed, Download Here
Thanks to halcynthis for fixing my horrid packaging skills

« Last Edit: December 10, 2011, 09:33:24 PM by Mysteroo »


They're cute little things. But do they actually do anything?

They should be able to defend you, should you get hurt by another player.

My sisters (2/3) Are now in love with these. (Sarcastic voice) Thanks alot.

Basically like the original bot mod minus the torso.

I like them, but couldn't you at least edit the model so that its the height of them, not a bot?

Do they have the same collision box as the default player?

I don't know if Brian will actually respond to any suggestions, since he isn't on the forums..

Do they have the same collision box as the default player?
yeah, they're literally just bots, like sheath said.

Can I have a tree buddy?
If your a good boy ill get it for you for Christmas <Lame deal >:)

yeah, they're literally just bots, like sheath said.
Well thats...annoying.

That Bartholomule is from SpaceBalls