Author Topic: Cyber Wars (Games Domain)  (Read 6266 times)

I've been trying to find people to play this remake of Cyber Wars with.
If anyone remembers Cyber Wars, it was a really old strategy game developed by Jagex.

The remake allows for good old fashioned multiplayer and you don't need an account to play.

Click this link to play!

It is the exact same as before, with different sprites.

New sprites
Hopefully some of Blockland's Community remembers this glorious minigame!

Little how to play: This game is 1v1 only, and turn based.
You start off with commanders, if your commander dies you lose. Your commander summons monsters in which you use to fight your opponent. The more summons of one specific type, the easier that summon type becomes to spawn. You can also spawn holograms, they are only useful to scare the enemy.

Oh GOD I think I remember my oldest brother playing this.

yeah i thought of jagex when i saw this