Author Topic: Clone is at mental state: Potato  (Read 1093 times)

So basically over the last few days i have come upon some sort of illness and a case of dehydration, however no matter how much i drink i don't seem to be getting any better, so far at least as this has only just started.
Why am i telling you this? Because these two things combined with the solitude and boredom of the last month has taken a serious toll on my mental state, i am usually the guy who runs around being an idiot but now im just drifting off into space.

Even as i type this now im taking 5 minute breaks because my head is all wibble wobbley and falling sfrom side to side, the only things going through my mind is how much easier life would be if i just snapped and lived in a mental asilim so i wouldnt have to deal with the issues of reality and all that.
now lets talk or something because im wanting to talk about stuff and yeah and i dunno im just so woozy and tired but i cant sleep oh yeah i also have barely slept in the last like like 3 days

so lets like talk about life and things,

RIP Clone
he was a coolbro and I liked him

Watch all the hentai while eating your delicious potato. That is your prescription given by me, the high and mighty Doc Dem, the most respectable doctor in all of the forums. Oh yeah and go to bed at 9PM.

i am usually the guy who runs around being an idiot but now im just drifting off into space.

sounds like an improvement to me

RIP Clone
he was a coolbro and I liked him
coolbro till the end, but its ok now coz hes in heven writing raps songs with jesus
Take a nap, genius.
I cannat SLEEP!
Watch all the hentai while eating your delicious potato. That is your prescription given by me, the high and mighty Doc Dem, the most respectable doctor in all of the forums. Oh yeah and go to bed at 9PM.
Well if the doctor says to then i should and ill eat all the mangos to (i actually cant stand mangos lol) and its already 10.
sounds like an improvement to me
nigs just cant handle me yo word

Send me your rapping with Jesus.

Send me your rapping with Jesus.
oK but its gonna take a while  to get it copyrighted so for now have this picture i drw of a dragon to remember me by!

Are you depressed?
I'm asking this seriously.

keep drinking water
keep trying to sleep
see an actual doctor

also what's your steam

Are you in the Philippines or whatever still?

Are you depressed?
I'm asking this seriously.
Im not really sure, i guess so, i mean i very highly suspect that im bipolar at least. My mood changes like crazy sometimes. Usually when im with my friends i am definitely the most hyperactive person there, ive always had my own nindoway of self dignity so i never gave a stuff what people think of me and that gives me the freedom to do whatever i want without restraint of being judges by others, so throughout the whole school i was known as the guy who runs along the tables then does a flip and yells at the teachers (just noticed im getting really off topic here, thanx lot brain)

what i was trying to say is that when im in a good mood everyone knows it because i will be laughing away and acting crazy but i have an incredibly short fuse and it can take close to nothing for me to become an incredibly sour person and i know it well, i often think things like how life doenst really mean anything to me and the only reason i wouldnt want to die is because of the people i leave behind (i dont mean like i want to die i mean more that i couldnt care less if i did) so yes i do think i am depressed or atleast have a case of bipolariods

keep drinking water
keep trying to sleep
see an actual doctor

also what's your steam
doctor LOL the best thing to a doctor around here is a vet with no license that lives a 4 hour trip on a ferry away, so yeah.
Also my steam is Clone v.117 (who would have guessed ikr) add me yo always good to have the frends

Are you in the Philippines or whatever still?
just over 1 month down and 2 to go

also back to what i was saying about my depression beeing here and what i know is coming when i go back is really not helping with it in the slightest.
« Last Edit: February 27, 2012, 08:23:47 AM by Clone v.117 »

I have no clue about being bipolar, but depression is when you're continually returning to a down state. It sounds like you're okay a lot of the time.
However, this also sounds like you're overstressed or something.

I have no clue about being bipolar, but depression is when you're continually returning to a down state. It sounds like you're okay a lot of the time.
However, this also sounds like you're overstressed or something.
If thats the case then yeah i wouldnt doubt it, i was ripped from my school my friends my family and girlfriend to spend what was supposed to be a year over here but luckily i fought it down to 3 months, and when i get back i have to go to a new school which i kooked at earlier and is a complete stuffhole, i think when i get back im just going to try and be busy 24/7 with a new job and spend as much time with my old friends as possible so i take as little notice of the poor state i will be in as possible

I'm pretty sure that I am bipolar.