Author Topic: What is Lord Tony doing?  (Read 2321 times)

You should had told me you were recording, I would had made my server less creepy.

doesn't seem so likely :f
and what's that map called anyway?

« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 09:59:17 AM by zookuw »

So he's a brony AND a devil-worshiper? Great, just great.

forget you, asslicker.

Quit dragging MLP drama into unrelated threads.

User was banned for this post
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 11:44:03 PM by Badspot »

forget you, asslicker.
Quit dragging MLP drama into unrelated threads.
stuff I did the same thing.

Anyways it's a pretty awesome looking map, and tony summoning the great lords of below is a normal occurrence just slap him with a newspaper and he will go back to building other things.

What's new with those Ponies, anyway?

forget you, asslicker.

Quit dragging MLP drama into unrelated threads.
posted by Vegetarian Zombie, forum goer with a MLP avatar. This brings MLP into every topic you post in.

Nice loving logic, son.

Tony is performing an ancient blood ritual that requires him to get 5 goats and sacrifice them. His weapon must be nothing more than a butter knife. After the blood of the goats has been spilled, Tony must capture a shell for his ancient God. However, he uses his own body. This overloads him, however, Tony's backup plan was to use the powers of slate to undo this. Using another prepared ritual, Tony spreads the power of his ancient God over his slate, thus tainting it with a dark, horrid power. The price however of this ritual is Tony's ability to love. From that point on to forever, Tony was known as Lord Tony, and was actively despised by those who dwell in the blockland forums.
« Last Edit: April 03, 2012, 11:25:17 AM by LawtyLawt »

posted by Vegetarian Zombie, forum goer with a MLP avatar. This brings MLP into every topic you post in.

Nice loving logic, son.

If a 75x75 bothers you so much, get adblock.

I'm not bringing drama. I have an avatar.

Nice loving logic.

Back on topic: I'm Christian and I disapprove of this build.

Back on topic: I'm Satanic and I approve of this build.
Just kidding guise

So he's a brony AND a devil-worshiper? Great, just great.
Get out

If a 75x75 bothers you so much, get adblock.

I'm not bringing drama. I have an avatar.

Nice loving logic.
I didn't say it bothers me, I said that it's a MLP image and it shows up for everybody. You're still displaying MLP whether you posted it or not, it's on your avatar.