§Derpy§ - Projectile spammer, lags server and players

Author Topic: §Derpy§ - Projectile spammer, lags server and players  (Read 1938 times)

I joined a freebuild server just to build whatever, and when I do, this guy has a 64x64 cube spawned and he evented it to have him spam cannonball projectiles. He would launch them constantly onto a player in the open space or a player inside a house. This would continue until the server crashes or the players' clients crash from the lag. Shortly after spamming the projectiles, he made the cube spam gore, forcing many of the players to leave. (don't have pictures of the gore cube though)

2 other people decided to get in on the fun. These were 1shotkillguy and wally. §Derpy§ destroyed his cube as to "make room for more fun cubes" for the others.

Blockland IDs:
  • §Derpy§ - 16362
  • 1shotkillguy - 32164
  • wally - 34592

wow derpy, i thought you were better than this...

Was §Derpy§ the host or friends with the host?

Was §Derpy§ the host or friends with the host?

By the way, no admins were present at the time.

By the way, no admins were present at the time.

If I were you and no admins were present, I would've messaged one of them on RTB and tell them that §Derpy§ was spamming and then link them to the images.

Why are you reading this topic, when you could be in the kitchen, having a nice cup of tea.


Why are you reading this topic, when you could be in the kitchen, having a nice cup of tea.

But what would be the point of a forum if you want everyone to drink tea.

This is why the host should make events admin only, these starfishs just want to abuse them.

This is why the host should make events admin only, these starfishs just want to abuse them.

The host just needs moderators, not no events.

Derpy has been banned by me before, he is a fool.

He should keep events admin only unless there is a moderator or admin there.

And I recomend not getting the vote kick system, It is just as abusable as events with no admin.

If he creates a forum account to post here, I wonder what kind of stuffty excuse he'll make to defend himself.

If he creates a forum account to post here, I wonder what kind of stuffty excuse he'll make to defend himself.
Maybe he will make up a excuse that his grandfather is dying.