Author Topic: Player Nodes -- Make your bots look right.  (Read 9122 times)

I've taken the liberty of listing the various default avatar nodes of the player.
Events require Amade's Bot Events.

onBotSpawn > Bot > EditAppearance > HideNode   "ALL"                        (any color)
onBotSpawn > Bot > EditAppearance > UnhideNode "(nodes you want to unhide)" (color)

This event will hide all the nodes of the bot, and unhide any node you set the parameters for in the second event.

Here is a list of all the nodes used by the Standard Player, and all playertypes thereof that utilize the customization option.
Accessory nodes are arranged according to parent node.

  - helmet, copHat, knitHat, scoutHat, bicorn, pointyHelmet, flareHelmet
    -- plume, triplume, septplume, visor

chest / femchest
  - armor, pack, quiver, tank, bucket, cape
    -- epaulets, epauletsRankA, epauletsRankB, epauletsRankC, epauletsRankD, ShoulderPads

RArm / RArmSlim, LArm / LArmSlim
  - RHand / RHook, LHand / LHook

  - RShoe / RPeg, LShoe / LPeg
    -- RSki* / LSki*

skirtHip                          (This replaces the pants node.)
  - SkirtTrimRight, SkirtTrimLeft (These replace their respective leg nodes.)

* These nodes are not available by the avatar menu, they must be applied via event or the use of the Skis item.

The helmet hat can only wear the visor.
The copHat, knitHat and scoutHat hats can wear the plume, triplume and septplume, but not the visor.
The other hats cannot use any head accessories by use of the avatar menu.

It is entirely possible to hide and unhide nodes not normally achievable by the avatar menu, with the use of Amade's Bot Events:

armor/quiver, flareHat/visor

Removal of all nodes except headSkin and helmet

Hands/Hooks, Shoes/Pegs

I've been doing the bot thing forever, but recently, the slimarm (I forget what it's called) doesn't show up, despite me having them on my avatar at the time I say /applyAV, it even looks like you have the error too in your pictures.

I've been doing the bot thing forever, but recently, the slimarm (I forget what it's called) doesn't show up, despite me having them on my avatar at the time I say /applyAV, it even looks like you have the error too in your pictures.
RArmSlim / LArmSlim

And yes, it's probably a script glitch. The same thing happens with setting the bot/player's face.

Bump because these helped me out in some scripts.

slim arm?

The arm that ends in a point instead of a rectangle.

Btw, you can also archieve impossible avatars using the avatar saver and modifying it's savefiles :3

Btw, you can also archieve impossible avatars using the avatar saver and modifying it's savefiles :3
No cheating!

real men use server cmds to set their avatar!

Or you can use /appearancehelp
/appearancehelp only lists the nodes you have visible. This is a list of all the nodes, so that you don't have to use /appearancehelp multiple times.
Plus, this is easier.

I like this and bookmark!

dafuq bot events don't seem to exist anymore?

CRC'd D:

dafuq bot events don't seem to exist anymore?

CRC'd D:
dumb late bump