Avatar Faces Messed Up

Author Topic: Avatar Faces Messed Up  (Read 2320 times)

So, when I open my avatar menu, this error comes up:

Quote from: console.log
Window reactivating...
ERROR: File "/thumbs/smileyRedBeard" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview
ERROR: File "/thumbs/smileyRedBeard.jpg" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview
ERROR: File "/thumbs/smileyRedBeard.png" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview
ERROR: File "/smileyRedBeard" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview
ERROR: File "/smileyRedBeard.jpg" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview
ERROR: File "/smileyRedBeard.png" is not in one of the default directories
BackTrace: ->[RTB_Modules_Client_ConnectClient]Canvas::pushDialog->[CanvasCursor]GuiCanvas::pushDialog->AvatarGui::onWake->Avatar_UpdatePreview

Executing config/server/prefs.cs.
and then the avatar menu looks like this:

Note: The console has an error about smileyRedBeard.
When I look at my avatar in F8, I see smileyRedBeard on my head. In RTB Connect, it has the blonde hair just like the menu.

Then when I exit to the main menu, I see this.

So then I change the red beard to the blonde hair again, start a new game, and I see this bitch again:

And when I go in F8, it works, it's blonde!

But the thumbnails are still completely forgeted up.
I tried renewing Face_Default, no luck.
what2do? :c

Mine does something like this too.

Should have added, this only started happening after today's revision.

This happens to me after I download a new decal/face.

Turn off Fillcan and try again.

Doesn't happen to me.
But I don't know about this guy...

But i don't know about this guy...
WTF that happened to me then one minute (All ingame server) and it was fine

The issue is caused by fillcan, remove it and the issue will be resolved.