Jirue's Youse Raceways: Submit Your Racetracks!


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Author Topic: Jirue's Youse Raceways: Submit Your Racetracks!  (Read 10036 times)

Youse Raceways
Youse* is building racetracks to eventually be hosted in a server as a series of rotating races!
But we need / would greatly appreciate your help!

We need more racetracks!  You can help by submitting racetracks you have built.  You can submit your builds by following this form:

In-Game Name:
Racetrack Title:
[Thumbnail Picture of Racetrack]
Download Link: (Put this in packaged form as described here)
General Theme/Description of your track: (This is to help us create a decent Environment File for your map) Add the Environment file to your .zip ^^^

In-Game Name: Jirue
BL_ID: 212
Racetrack Title: Magma Marathon

Download Link: [Insert Link Here]
General Theme/Description of your track: Lava themed track with rocky structures.


  • Must be made of GSF Terrain (Basic Pack + Inverted Pack with ModTer_Default2 Print set) or default bricks.  No other brick packs or prop mods.  **Hehe these are default now!
  • Must use Default Colorset (I will not spend time converting your build from another colorset to default)
  • Must have a definite start and finish line (Not a loop)
  • Must fit 20 drivers
  • Should be challenging enough to narrow 20 players down to 1-3 players at the end, but not frustrating or unfair
  • Should have an original or unique theme that sets it apart from the others
  • Should be fun to drive, not repetitive and boring
  • May (but not required to) include shortcuts, but shortcuts should not be too easy and should especially not be easier than the main track
  • Gameplay is more important than appearance, but atmosphere should not be dull
  • *Vehicles are currently limited to Filipe's Speedkarts.  If your track revolves around a different vehicle and follows all the other criteria, ask about it and it may be accepted.

**Use the template build linked to here to create your start/finish line

If your track is used, we will give you full credit in-game and on the forums.  If two or more people worked on your track with you and you want to give them credit, be sure to put their names in the application with yours.  We will give them full credit as well.  If you submit your track you are giving us permission to modify it as we see fit and make changes.

Not all submissions will be used.  Tracks will be judged based on how fun they are to play, how creative and different from the other tracks they are, and overall quality.  (We don't expect your track to look amazing.  GSF terrain is honestly kinda ugly.  Focus more on Gameplay)  If your track isn't quite up to par, I will make changes to it until it is good.  If your track is far from par, we will try to give you tips and criticism on how you can make your track better.

Once we have enough finished tracks, Jirue will host the server with RTB Dedicated Hosting and all the tracks will rotate.  Credit will be given to the author along with the track's title when the track is loaded.

Finished Tracks

Magma Marathon
Jirue - (BL_ID: 212)

Cavern Cross
Megaguy - (BL_ID: 13411)

Ladios - (BL_ID: 232)

Glacial Run
Rocket, Meeses, Jirue, & Jaxx

Jirue - (BL_ID: 212)

Red Raceway
*This map has temporarily been removed
Megaguy - (BL_ID: 13411)

WIP Tracks / Ideas & Requests
Color Code: WIP Tracks, Track Ideas/Requests

  • Gallo Bro Grande - Brickman's Track
  • Desert Themed Track
  • "Skylands" Themed Track
  • Giant Snail Race
  • Deathrace Track If you choose to create a deathrace, please use Default weapons until Jirue decides on an official weapons pack

« Last Edit: February 24, 2013, 11:39:55 PM by Jay the Cartoonist »

how about a snail race in the middle of the dead sea, and touching the water killing your vehicle actually makes sense?

i'm claiming that while i make that copyright siliconcactus 2017
« Last Edit: February 04, 2013, 09:02:28 PM by SiliconCactus »

Holy crap, just in time for the new update  :cookieMonster:

Thread's OP may need some revisions after checking out the update.

Neat, I might submit some tracks in the future...

do you accept rc sapper tracks?

do you accept rc sapper tracks?
Lol.. I hadn't thought of it.

Do you mean like an RC Race?  I've never used the RC Sapper mod haha

It could possibly be fun, I'd have to test it

Misread as sky sands...
That makes me want to do some sort of floating sand islands.

Update my name already noob

I'm thinking of making an ice themed track.
Also, Jirue do you have a packaged version of your magma racetrack somewhere? I'd love to include it if I ever host a racing server.

if i contribute, how many virgins will i get?

i absolutely love this new racing revolution of blockland

i absolutely love this new racing revolution of blockland
Raceland - That game where you glitch into oblivion