Author Topic: Mafia Madness Rules for Dummies  (Read 4111 times)

I've been asked by several people to make something like this that explains the rules. So, here you go.

Game Basics

General Idea - Overall, the general idea of this game is Innocents try to find out who is Mafia and kill them all, and the Mafia try to kill all the Innocents before being killed themselves. If all of the Mafia members are killed, the Innocents win, if all of the Innocents are killed, the Mafia win.There is 1 Mafia for ever 3.5 Innocents, this means that there will always be more Innocents than Mafia.

"How is that fair?"

Good question. The Mafia have an advantage over the Innocents. The Innocents don't know who the Mafia are. Only other Mafia know who the Mafia are (by typing "/maflist") which allows them to use deception and stealth to take down Innocents without being suspected. It is expected that more Innocents will die compared to Mafia because of this, which is why there are less Mafia than Innocents.

Rounds - In Mafia Madness, each game is divided into rounds. Each round you could become Mafia or you could be Innocent again. It's completely random.

At the beginning of the round, you spawn in any given area of the Pyramid. Once you spawn, you are expected to go straight to the roof, and if you're Innocent, you should do so. However, if you are Mafia, you may choose to take a few Innocents out before reaching the roof. Once on the roof, the investigation is underway. If you are innocent, you begin to put the pieces of the puzzle together to find out who is Mafia. If you are Mafia, you begin deceiving players into thinking you aren't Mafia or into thinking other Innocents are Mafia. You are expected to stay on the roof, unless you are allowed down to look for bodies or players that are hiding.

"Bodies? What are you talking about?"

Another excellent question. When you or another player is killed, you leave a body behind. The body is all red and stays in the "death" position (laying on back with hands/feet in the air). If you click a body, you will see a few bits of information about it. It will tell you who it is, their role, and how they were killed (murder, falling, Self Delete, etc.). You can pick up and carry bodies by using your jet button, which is right mouse click by default. You are expected to bring all bodies you find to the roof and to place it into the "Bodies" pile. The bodies pile is a small platform in the middle of the roof labeled "Bodies". If you are Mafia, you may want to hide bodies below the roof, or not touch them (for later explained reasons).

In between rounds there is a short intermission or DM. You can kill whoever you like or do whatever as you wait for the next round to begin. During this time is when most admin work is done (figuring out if there were any rule-breakers or changing the gamemode/fixing things).

Day/Night - If you haven't noticed, there was an update about a year ago adding a day/night cycle. In Mafia Madness, there is a Day period and Night period. During the day, it is light outside and is when most of the investigating is done. Usually, people wait until day to send people below to search for more evidence because it's safer (easier to see and less confusing). During the night, it is dark outside and players' avatars are all the same. This means that everyone looks the same;  they are all black and have no accessories on (hats, backpacks, peg-legs, hook-hands, etc.). This is so the Mafia have a chance to do a number of things. They can hide below and kill any wandering Innocents, take bodies from the roof and hide them, kill people and flee without being noticed and many other things. Also, at night, certain roles can use their special abilities, but we'll talk about those later.

Chat - There are a few things you need to know about talking when playing in an Mafia Madness game. There are 4 forms of regular communication. Talking normally like I am now is similar to local chat. Players within a radius of you can hear you, but players beyond that radius cannot. If you put a "!" before your message or just use all caps, your message will come out as a shout, which is shown to the left of your name in the chat saying "[SHOUT]". When you shout, everyone in the game, no matter where they are, can see your chat. Low chat can be used with team chat (by default it's Y). Low chat is like speaking in a low voice, which means it can be heard in a small radius and cannot be heard through walls. Whispering is done by using team chat and a "!" before typing your message. For example:  Press "Y", then "!kill Blok first". Only players within very small radius can hear you, almost to where you have to be touching them.

"What do you mean 'regular communication'? Are there other forms of communication?"

Man, you ask really good questions! There are indeed other forms of communication. One of these is "Dead chat". Once you are killed, you can no longer talk with living players. In the chat, this will be shown with a "[DEAD]" before your name. Only other dead players can hear you. This prevents dead or spectating players from telling living players information that they shouldn't know, such as who the Mafia are, ore if someone is dead or not, etc. There is another form of chat called "Godfather chat", but I will get to that later.


In Mafia Madness, there are different roles for each team. This means there are Innocent and Mafia roles. Even though you may have a different role from another Innocent, this still means you are on the same team. (Gamemodes are discussed later). Here is a list of roles that you may see in any given game:

Innocent Roles:

- Innocent is the normal Innocent role, which most players usually are. They have no special abilities. Their role letter is "I".

Cop - The Cop is basically a police officer who can investigate players when it's night by typing "/inv (player)". An investigation tells you if the player you're investigating is a "suspicious fellow" or an "upstanding citizen". If they are suspicious, they are Mafia. If they are a citizen, they are Innocent. The only problem is, there are 4 different types of Cops that can show up. Your role will only be shown as "COP" and will not tell you which of these you are.

  • Respectable - This is also known as the "real cop". This Cop's investigations are correct, unless they are investigating the Godfather or the Miller (see these roles for more information). Their role letter is "O".

  • Panphobic - This is also known as the "paranoid cop" or "para cop". This Cop's investigations always come up as suspicious, no matter who they are investigating. Their role letter is "P".

  • Credulous - This is also known as the "naive cop". This Cop's investigations always come up as innocent, no matter who they are investigating. This role shows up in gamemodes 4, 5, and 6. Their role letter is "N".

  • Schizophrenic - This is also known as the "insane cop". This Cop's investigations are completely random. It doesn't matter who you investigate, it's a 50/50 chance of either getting innocent or suspicious every time. This role shows up only in gamemode 6. Their role letters are "IC".

Fingerprint Expert - This is also known as the "FE" or "finger". The Fingerprint Expert can check the fingerprints on bodies to see who has touched the body and in what order. They can also see approximately when the player was killed. This role is useful for seeing who touched a body last when it has been hidden/thrown from the roof or for finding out who the Abductor is (checking the prints of the body found in the dumpster spot (basement)). The only time the Fingerprint Expert cannot see the information on a body is if the body has been disfigured by the Crazy. Their roles letter is "F".

Miller - This is also known as the "skittles-carrying-african-citizen" or "african citizen". The Miller is an Innocent and if you are the Miller, your role will read "INNOCENT", so you don't know you're the Miller. The Miller, when investigated by the real cop, shows up as suspicious even though they are innocent. The Miller only shows up in gamemode 6. Their role letter is "L".

Mafia Roles:

Mafia - Mafia is the normal Mafia role. It has no special abilities (unless in gamemodes 4 or 5). This role shows up mainly in gamemode 1, but can show up in all gamemodes if there are more than 4 Mafia (most of the time). Their role letter is "M".

Abductor - The Abductor role's special ability is that he can "abduct" other players. This means that he can aim at someone and hit their jet button and that player, after a few seconds, will disappear and his body will appear in the dumpster location in the basement. This can only be done once per night. This ability is very useful in that he can kill players on the roof without being caught/noticed. He can also take out important Innocent roles such as Cop or Fingerprint Expert without risking being shot back at. Their role letter is "A".

Ventriloquist - This role is also known as the "vent". The Ventriloquist can talk as other people with the commands "/imp" or "/impu" (short for impersonate). The difference between the two is that "/imp" impersonates a player, but the player being impersonated can see it. "/impu" (impersonate unnoticed) allows you to impersonate a player without that person seeing it in the chat, everyone else can see it though. This role is useful for making false claims or making people vote the way you want them to. A good Ventriloquist can make dead people seem alive, living players become kill on sight, and can do it while being unnoticed (moving around while typing or hiding below to type). Their role letter is "V".

Godfather - This role is also known as "god" or "GF". The Godfather can talk to other Mafia members secretly by typing "^" before typing their message. Only Mafia members can see this chat and it can be useful for telling fellow Mafia who to impersonate or who to abduct, etc. The Godfather is also safe from investigations because when investigated by the real cop, it will come up as "upstanding citizen" instead of suspicious. This can be very useful for when you are falsely claiming an innocent role. For example:  you kill a cop, hide the body, and then claim cop. Their role letter is "G".

Crazy - Perhaps my favorite role and the most useful Mafia role, the Crazy not only has a gun, but a knife. The Crazy can use this knife to disfigure bodies, preventing people from seeing it's information when they click it. The knife can be used by simply clicking, but if you hold down your click button and then release, it's completely silent (except the sound of their body "poofing". If you don't hold down and release, the knife is very loud and can alert players easily. This role, I think, is extremely underrated and I don't think people realize how useful it can be. If you are able to disfigure just a few bodies (2-3) nobody can be sure how many Mafia are alive, how many Innocents are alive, who the last people were who touched those players' bodies, who the body is, what role they are, and so many other things. The Fingerprint Expert also can't determine anything about the body, which can be useful for saving a fellow Mafia's butt if they hid the body or if the body was abducted. Their role letter is "C".

- The Devil is the least useful Mafia role. Basically, the Devil is a Mafia cop. They can investigate Innocent players to find out what role they are. Although it can be useful in figuring out who the Fingerprint Expert is or who the Cop is and things along those lines, you have to be really lucky to investigate the right person. This role only shows up in gamemode 5. Their role letter is "D".


In Mafia Madness, there are 7 different gamemodes by default. Each has a different element added or taken away. Here is a list of each gamemode, their number and how each works:

(0) Normal - This gamemode is what Mafia Madness is set to by default and is the "normal" version of it. There are no special elements added or taken away.

(1) Classic - This gamemode is the "classic" version of Mafia Madness. It was the original version. In Classic, there are only two roles:  Innocent and Mafia. These rounds tend to last longer than other rounds because it is more difficult for the Mafia to kill Innocents. None of the roles have special abilities; it's just straight up Mafia Madness.

(2) I Hate You All - This gamemode is all Abductors and all Fingerprint Experts. I don't really like this gamemode, but it can still be fun.

(3) HAHAHAHAHAHA - This gamemode is all Ventriloquists, Real Cops, and Paranoid Cops. This one can be fun if their are good Ventriloquists. The cops have to narrow down who is a Real Cop so they can in turn figure out who the Mafia is.

(4) Just Try To Survive - This gamemode is probably most Mafia Madness players' favorite. It's just like Normal, but with a few elements added that make it crazy. First of all, all Mafia members can abduct like the Abductor role, but there are no Abductors in the round. There is also a Naive Cop added causing more confusion among the Innocents.

(5) Abduct Titanium Tonight - This gamemode allows all Mafia members to use Godfather chat. There is also a Naive Cop and a Devil added.

(6) (Unnamed) - Although this gamemode doesn't have a set name, I like to call it "Cop Memorial Day" because of the amount of cops in the round. There is the Real, Paranoid, Naive, AND Insane Cop all in one game. This makes the investigations extremely confusing. There is also a Miller added on top of that. Most people really love this gamemode, but hate it at the same time because it can be frustrating.

« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 04:36:39 PM by -Blok- »

Dos and Don'ts

These are things that won't necessarily get you banned, but they are expected of you to do or
not do. Some of these can get you killed or suspected of, though.

1. As soon as you spawn, go straight to the roof. If you don't you will come off as suspicious. Mafia can do whatever they want though, just make sure you aren't being too suspicious. Fingerprint Experts are allowed to stick around in the basement to wait for abducted bodies, but make sure you tell everyone first or people will suspect you.

2. Do NOT randomly pull your gun out and/or start shooting randomly. Occasionally, if asked multiple times to stop, you will be killed. Shooting randomly can confuse people into thinking that someone is actually shooting to kill or that someone below is killing. Holding your gun out or randomly aiming at people causes suspicion, so just don't do it.

3. Do NOT dress up as other players. This will most likely get you killed because you are impersonating another player. It causes confusion and could even get you accidentally killed if someone doesn't see your name. Mafia can do this, but it's a risky move.

4. Do NOT change your avatar to look like a dead body. This is impersonating a dead body and will most likely get you killed. This can be used by both Innocents and Mafia, though, to disguise themselves when they are the last 2-3 players left.

5. Do NOT leave the roof without any reason to. People will be suspicious of you or in some cases even kill you. Announcing why you are leaving the roof before leaving is a smart idea. Even getting approval from other players is a good idea because sometimes they won't agree with you.

6. At night, if the abductor is not dead OR it is gamemode 2 or 4 (all Abductors or all Mafia can abduct), do NOT go near/look at other players. If you are innocent and you randomly walk up to other people and look at them, they will most likely kill you, sometimes causing panic and getting the shooter killed as well. If you're an Innocent role, you should be in a corner or somewhere away from other people so you can watch and see if anyone abducts.

7. Voting - Voting is a key part of Mafia Madness. Voting is done on the roof when all of or almost all of the players are present. This is when players voice their suspicions of other people and start votes to kill them. If there is a Ventriloquist still alive, starting a vote can be risky because they can alter the votes. Voting for someone for no reason is also a bad idea because people will start suspecting you. You shouldn't try to get a player killed if you haven't seen them do anything suspicious, unless you're Mafia of course. Also, starting a lot of votes to kill people can be suspicious. If you keep making claims, people will suspect you more than the people you are suspicious of.

Do NOT vote confirmed Cops, Fingerprint Experts, or Innocents. Confirmed means that they are pretty much proven to be Innocent. Voting for someone who is generally proven is a bold move and is rarely done. Some players may suspect that the "confirmed Innocent" actually killed the player with the role they are claiming and hid the body. It's hard to get backing on these types of things, but if you truly think they are impersonating an Innocent, you should go through with it.

Also, do NOT kill a player that's being voted against if there is not enough votes. This may change depending on the server, but at most servers, you need at least more than half of the roof's votes to kill a player. So even if you get 5 votes on someone, if there are 14 people on the roof, you can't kill them. This makes it difficult to vote people early in the round, but gives you time to gather more evidence on the players you suspect so you can vote them later.

8. Do NOT throw bodies off the roof. This is considered tampering with evidence, and sometimes as hiding bodies. Tossing bodies will get you killed 95% of the time. Unless you're Mafia, don't do this. It takes a long time to go fetch the bodies.

The only times you CAN toss bodies include:
>The dead will rise at dawn (you can toss Mafia bodies)
>You are Mafia
>You are Mafia and you or other Mafia members are the only ones on the roof
>The dead have risen and Mafia bodies have returned to the roof (or they were already there)

9. Do NOT leave the roof with a body. This is very suspicious because you could be trying to hide it. Even if you're using it as a meat-shield, I don't suggest doing it because people will most likely kill you for it.

10. If you find a body, take it to the roof. If you're Innocent and you leave a body below, you're only hurting your team's chances.

11. Do NOT go AFK in the middle of the round. It will probably get you killed/kicked. If you need to go AFK, just leave the server until you get back. If you're in the middle of the round, going to the roof, suiciding and then going AFK is fine.

12. Do NOT screw with the bodies. It gets annoying when people constantly take bodies and run around on the roof. If you are asked to put the body back, do it before you get killed. Also, don't disorganize the bodies if someone has sorted them. It causes confusion and annoys the people who organized them. Organizing the bodies isn't required, but messing it up (unless Mafia and you're doing it for a reason) will get you killed.

Also, if you keep messing with bodies, you get your fingerprints all over them which make cause the Fingerprint Expert to suspect you or get annoyed that he has to fish through the chat to find actual evidence.

13. If you see and AFK player (on a spawn), notify and admin so he/she can kick the player or do whatever with that player.

Do NOT lie about your role, UNLESS you are Mafia. Lying about your role will definitely get you killed if they find out you're lying. If you're a Cop or Fingerprint Expert, you can say you are Innocent.

15. Use common sense. Don't be stupid. Don't be a jerk.

Controversial Stuff

These are things that people have disagreement on as far as what you should do, shouldn't do, or how something should go.

Defending Yourself at Night - This has to do with when you can and can't defend yourself from Abductors. If there are more than 10 players or so, you should NOT kill players who come near you, because the roof is most likely crowded and there isn't much place to go. Unless it's completely obvious that someone is about to abduct you, you should not kill anyone that comes near you. If you think "maybe this guy is trying to abduct me", you can't do anything about it. You have to accept being killed if you are being abducted. It has to be obvious for you to be able to kill them.

Now, if there are less than 10 players or so, you CAN kill players who come near you and look at you. They shouldn't be moving around in the first place because by now the roof has enough room for each player to have their own space. If they end up being Innocent after you kill them, it's not your fault, that player should not have been wandering around looking at people when there was an Abductor still alive.

Of course, all this only applies when there is an abductor alive.

Defending Yourself from Being Voted/Killed - This is where it gets hairy. If you are Innocent and you're being voted although you have done nothing suspicious and you know you haven't, you can voice to everyone that you haven't done anything wrong and that you are prepared to defend yourself from people who shoot at you. If you truly have done nothing suspicious, you can defend yourself. If someone shoots at you, you can perceive it as someone attacking you, and not someone following through with a vote-killing (because they have no reason to vote you).

Now, if you're Innocent and you have done something suspicious, such as kill someone or leave the roof for periods of time, things like that, and you are being voted, you cannot defend yourself. It seems a bit strange, but you have to accept that the majority of the remaining players want you to be killed for whatever reason and let yourself be killed. An exception to this would be if the bodies/remaining players add up and nearly half of the players alive are Mafia, you can tell the people voting you this which gives you temporary immunity from being killed due to a vote.

The difference here is if they actually have a reason to be voting you. There are probably other exceptions here, but it really depends on the situation and the admins watching the server.

Killing Someone for Killing - This means that you kill a player when you see him/her kill someone. First off, most people would say that you should just go ahead and kill the guy just to be safe, but this is wrong. The first thing you should do is check the body. Often times the body ends up being a Mafia and the person who killed him/her knew that that person was Mafia.

"But I don't have time to check the body! He might kill me!"

No, shut up. If the player kills someone, and continues shooting at people, then you may kill them. The same goes for if the player kills someone and then flees without taking the body up or without answering questions. If the player kills someone and then checks the body/answers questions and is cooperative, don't kill them. It's not the action of that player killing someone that makes him killable, it's his actions afterwards.


These are things that are kick/bannable.

Random Killing - Also known as "RDM" (random deathmatching) or "freekilling". This is basically when you are an Innocent and you kill someone or several people for no reason. If reported to and admin, you will most likely be banned unless you have an actual reason for killing that player or multiple players.

Occasionally, you may accidentally kill someone. This could happen if the player startles you in someway, like coming around a corner, surprising you. Usually admins let these go with just a warning.

Killing a Fellow Mafia Member - If you're a Mafia member, don't kill other Mafia members. It's as simple as that. You have access to "/maflist" so there is no excuse for you "not knowing that he/she was mafia". If you accidentally kill a fellow Mafia member, just apologize and tell him/her it was an accident. Most admins will understand.

In some cases, you CAN kill fellow Mafia members. Those include:
>That player agrees to you killing him/her to create a clever ploy to make Innocents believe that you are Innocent yourself (this varies by server, but this is the case most of the time)
>That player attacks you, not knowing/realizing that you're on his/her team (if they continue attacking, more than 1 shot, you can kill)
>That player is betraying you, which means that he is trying to get you to be killed indirectly (impersonating you to say self-incriminating things, telling everyone that you are Mafia, ratting you out, etc.)
>That player is AFK (on a spawn)

Betraying Team - This can include ratting out fellow Mafia members, impersonating fellow Mafia members to say self-incriminating things, etc.

A lot of team betrayal happens when dead rises, mainly by Innocent players. Those include:
>Tossing Innocent bodies off the roof when you are Innocent
>Innocent body telling living players the wrong person when they ask who the Mafia is (if you don't know, just say you don't know)
>Innocent bodies shooting living Innocents
>Innocent body refusing to tell who the Mafia is, even though they know who is Mafia

Spamming the Pong Game - Don't do this.

Cheating With RTB - This means, don't tell other people important information about that round that may cause disruption. You may use RTB to just chat, tell an admin about someone who broke the rules, or tell an admin about an AFK player, etc.

Not Reading the Rules
- It seems kind of dumb to put this in the "Offenses" section of the rules, because if you don't read the rules, then you won't see this. I added it anyways though because yolo.


Here are some words you'll need to know about before playing Mafia Madness. These can be helpful to understand people who have played the game before.

"Vent", "Vented", "Venting" - Vent means Ventriloquist or impersonation. Vented means someone was impersonated. Venting means that someone is impersonating someone else or that there is impersonating going on in general.

Ex: "There's a vent still alive"
      "He was vented just a second ago"
      "He is venting, I know it"

"Maf" - This is short for Mafia.

Ex: "I'm pretty sure that he's maf"

"Inno" - This is short for Innocent.

Ex: "Stop voting me, I'm inno"

"Inv" - This is short for investigation or investigate

Ex: "Inv him, I'm pretty sure it's him"
      "What did you get from the inv"

"Para" - This is short for Paranoid, or Paranoid Cop.

Ex: "I'm para, so my investigations don't matter"

"Finger" or "FE" - These are short for Fingerprint Expert.

Ex: "I'm the finger"
      "Who's the FE"

"God" or "GF" - This is short for Godfather.

Ex: "The God is dead"
      "I think he's the GF"

"Crazied" - This means that a body was disfigured by the Crazy.

Ex: "I found a crazied body"

"Roof" - If someone says this to you, they are most likely telling you to go to the roof.

Ex: "[SHOUT]Blok: ROOF"

"Susp" - This is short for suspicious or suspect.

Ex: "Stop acting so susp"
      "I susp him, I saw him jump off the roof"

"RDM" - This means random death match.

Ex: "He just RDM'd that guy"
      "Stop RDM'ing"

If there is anything that you think I should add, change, or fix, please tell me.
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 05:02:35 PM by -Blok- »

Doubt a lot of people will read this whole wall of text.

what about the rule list in the actual game

Doubt a lot of people will read this whole wall of text.
People asked for it, I gave them it.

what about the rule list in the actual game
They can read that in-game. It takes like 5 minutes.

Dos and Don'ts

These are things that won't necessarily get you banned, but they are expected of you to do or
not do. Some of these can get you killed or suspected of, though.

1. As soon as you spawn, go straight to the roof. If you don't you will come off as suspicious. Mafia can do whatever they want though, just make sure you aren't being too suspicious. Sometimes, Fingerprint Experts (namely player "You") like to announce that they are the fingerprint expert and that they will kill anyone to enter. I have done this several times, and around half of the time, the victims were mafia.

9. Do NOT leave the roof with a body. This is very suspicious because you could be trying to hide it. Even if you're using it as a meat-shield, I don't suggest doing it because people will most likely kill you for it. except when it's the last two players or so?

12. Do NOT screw with the bodies. It gets annoying when people constantly take bodies and run around on the roof. If you are asked to put the body back, do it before you get killed. Also, don't disorganize the bodies if someone has sorted them. It causes confusion and annoys the people who organized them. Organizing the bodies isn't required, but messing it up (unless Mafia and you're doing it for a reason) will get you killed.

Also, if you keep messing with bodies, you get your fingerprints all over them which make cause the Fingerprint Expert to suspect you or get annoyed that he has to fish through the chat to find actual evidence. I support this, but I'm not sure why the fingerprinter would suspect said player.
Do NOT lie about your role, UNLESS you are Mafia. Lying about your role will definitely get you killed if they find out you're lying. But you can claim to be inno when FE or Cop

some excuses in red?
« Last Edit: August 12, 2013, 04:50:07 PM by CharlesSpeaking »

here's my terminology list, as of 13/08/2013 at 08:17:33 am

== Terminology ==
   Here, we'll make a glossary of some terminology sometimes used in Mafia Madness.

  • Maf: Mafia.
  • Scum: Mafia.
  • Inno: Innocent.
  • Para / Paranoid: Paranoid Cop.
  • Naive: Naive Cop.
  • Fingers / Fingerer / FE: Fingerprint Expert.
  • Doc: Fingerprint Expert.
  • Vent: Ventriloquist.
  • Abbie: Abductor.
  • God / GF: Godfather.
  • Boss: Godfather.
  • Roof: The top of the Pyramid map.
  • Basement: The series of connected tunnels in the base of the Pyramid map.
  • Dumpster: A specific area of the basement where abducted bodies are placed.

  • Imp(ed): Impersonate(d); Ventriloquist's ability.
  • Impu(ed): Impersonate(d) unnoticeably; the person impersonated doesn't see that they are being impersonated.
  • Inv(ed): Investigate(d); Cop's ability.
  • Vent(ed): Impersonate(d).
  • Dump(ed): Abduct(ed); Abductor's ability.
  • Toss(ed): Toss(ed) a corpse off the roof.
  • Jump(ed): Jump(ed) off the roof as a living player.
  • Fall / Fell: To fall off, or fell off of the roof accidentally as a living player.
  • Spree(d): To kill, or has killed several players in rapid succession without dying.
  • Crazied: A corpse that has been disfigured by the Crazy.
  • Knife(d): Use(d) the Silenced Combat Knife to disfigure a corpse as the Crazy.
  • RDM(ed): Random Death-Match(ed); killed randomly, or with poor reasoning such as "i was bored", among others.
  • Team(ed) / TK(ed): Team-Kill(ed); to kill a member of the Mafia while you are also a Mafia member.

  • HAHA: "hahahahahahahaha" Mode; all Abductors and Fingerprint Experts.
  • IHYA / HATE: "I Hate You All" Mode; all Ventriloquists, Cops, and Paranoid Cops.
  • JUTS / JTTS / SURVIVE: "Just Try To Survive" Mode; all mafia members are able to use the Abduct ability regardless of role.
  • ATT: "Abduct Titanium Tonight" Mode; all mafia members are able to use Godfather chat regardless of role.
  • 6: "brackets, think of the name -ottosparks (6)" Mode, any applicable role not normally present in other modes are included in the round.

  • Derpvent: A Ventriloquist who acts unusually, irresponsibly or in an unrelated manner, such as making players say awkward or offensive things not related to the game itself.
  • Pong: The pong machine in the Afterlife.
  • Susp: Suspicious. Cops can investigate players and get this as a possible result.

  • Planter: Planter, Mafia special role. (TomTom)
  • Plant(ed): Plant(ed) Evidence; Planter's ability. (TomTom)
  • Spy: Spy, Innocent special role. (TomTom)
  • Hack(er): Hacker, Mafia special role. (Axo-Tak)
  • Spoof(ed): Corpse Spoof(ed); Hacker's ability. (Axo-Tak)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 09:20:41 AM by PowerDag »

here's my terminology list, as of 12/08/2013

Most of these I have never even heard of. Another majority are pretty obvious.

Most of these I have never even heard of. Another majority are pretty obvious.
as I said, it's only my personal terminology list. add and remove what you want to if you decide to use it.

  • Fall / Fell: To fall off, or fell off of the roof accidentally as a living you need terminology for this
  • JUTS / JTTS / SURVIVE: "Just Try To Survive" Mode; all mafia members are able to use the Abduct ability regardless of role."juts" just ury to survive waaaaaht
  • 6: "brackets, think of the name -ottosparks (6)" Mode, any applicable role not normally present in other modes are included in the round.police remembrance day anyone? ;=; upon actually reading the description, i found it fit to mention that there is a mafia role that does not appear (as far as i know, maybe appears at 20 players, but blok would never go there)
« Last Edit: August 13, 2013, 10:09:59 AM by CharlesSpeaking »

    1. no but hey I threw it in
    2. "juts" isn't really an acronym it just rolls of the tongue better than jay tee tee ess
    3. other roles are included too??? idk how it works you're probably right[/list]

    There is an extremely rare role called Yakuza and he's awesome.
    The Jailer is also fun, but he's confusing because in order to use him you have to change your role variable.

    Holy hell, all that information for just one little gamemode?

    The ratio of mafs to innos is 1:3.5

    the mor u no!!!!!!!!!

    Holy hell, all that information for just one little gamemode?
    Yes. The rules in the actual server don't go into as much detail as this topic, but people wanted something like this that explained the game better.