
What should the next gamemode be?

TTT (again)
Sled Build
Ultimate Chimera Hunt
Other (Post below)

Author Topic: [Online, Dedicated!] Unoffical Blockland Garry's mod Server [The other one]  (Read 3375 times)

we can't install fas because it is being a bitch and won't convert to the proper format, if somebody could find a non workshop version of the files (not siminovs) that would be perfect.

It's up, no FAS for a while unless someone can find a non-workshop version, because i'm assuming it's too big to be converted, or something like that.

Needs more of this.
GROSS! It's all bending and moving in weird ways and is completely smooth shaded!


You can put this in your web browser and it should open gmod and connect you.
« Last Edit: February 05, 2014, 01:18:57 AM by tails »

Doesn't seem to work if I click it, but works if I drag it.

I added a poll, I'm going to be doing a thing where a new gamemode will take place every couple days. So vote and stuff.
« Last Edit: February 07, 2014, 06:17:51 PM by The Big Bad Jellyfish »

-aw narts-
here's a placeholder logo
it appears there is already a logo AS i was making the placeholder
« Last Edit: February 04, 2014, 05:36:08 AM by Blockguy345 »

I suggest you get a tracker for your server so people can see how many people are playing and what gamemode.


I suggest you get a tracker for your server so people can see how many people are playing and what gamemode.

Someone should join, i'm joining soon as well.

I'll join later today, school's happening

Just so you guys know, the server is dedicated so it won't go down. (unless it crashes or I restart it)

get in here we need people to have fun with