this add-on is broken don't look

Author Topic: this add-on is broken don't look  (Read 2038 times)

« Last Edit: November 17, 2017, 05:29:23 AM by Swollow »

Could be useful for removing snake builds

Great for removing hard to find spawn points in gigantic builds

Think you could this for items? So we can get rid of item spawns? like, /clearitem *itemname* and it just removes them from the bricks they are spawned on?

Clear baseplates.  Clear spam and floating bricks.

Think you could this for items? So we can get rid of item spawns? like, /clearitem *itemname* and it just removes them from the bricks they are spawned on?
yea piece of cake ill do it when i get home

yea piece of cake ill do it when i get home

Cool. Can you also include a /clearitem ALL so it just gets rid of all of them?