Author Topic: Aware - Douchebag  (Read 12101 times)

Wow, I just made a simple thread wanting to start a new clan and Aware and some other forgets went in and said all kinds of stuff, and i'm kinda done with them there just flamers and attention whores. I thought the forums was moderated and good but all the posts I have seen him make must not be moderated at all! Its bull stuff! We don't need bad people on the forums like this. Then Aware asks for a source of some name clans and I send it to him he says it went to WHAT THE ACUAL forget? Is wrong with him, I clicked it myself and it lead to my forums with all the other Drama and stuff that my friends post and there's a post on there listing the clans that we have seen.

if you're really interested in the forums, you should start off by dropping the childish attitude.

he's not a douchebag

and after reading the cringey as all hell clan topic you should really get banned because this is essentially a "wow blockland sucks now" type of stuff in which Badspot, and no one else for that matter, do not take lightly.

"Noobs" do not ruin the game. Steam does not ruin the game. Stop being an elitist friend. If you're going to continue this because your stubborn child mind cannot handle discipline or dare I say self-control, I highly advise you to forget off.

So you got pissed at everyone because you tried to referral scheme somebody for a cent, started flaming, and now this?

gg op you will not be missed

OP please stop trying
you're clan idea just simply put, sucks.
banning new players just because they're new and still learning is the most handicapped thing I've ever heard
You're a new person on this forum I'm sure, so why don't we ban you for being a "noob" on the forums?

From OP:

Aware isn't a douche, he's a cool guy. And about noobs & Steam? I'm with Slammer.

OP please stop trying
you're clan idea just simply put, sucks.
banning new players just because they're new and still learning is the most handicapped thing I've ever heard
You're a new person on this forum I'm sure, so why don't we ban you for being a "noob" on the forums?
Heh, its so interesting to see so many douche bags working together to flame.

Heh, its so interesting to see so many douche bags working together to flame.
It's actually collective hate because you are an idiot, I didn't know who you were until this thread and you seem like a handicap to me.

Heh, its so interesting to see so many douche bags working together to flame.
are you serious

how is this forget not banned yet

Keep it going this is great drama!