Client_BLIDChatLogger [v1]

Author Topic: Client_BLIDChatLogger [v1]  (Read 4663 times)

A client-sided add-on that logs player's names in BL_ID.txt files; it also logs chat.

Log Directory: config/client/BCL/chatLogs/
Log Format: [5:43 PM][7395] Aoki: message

BL_ID Directory: config/client/BCL/data/
The purpose of the BL_ID logger is to keep track of when people change names. To view someone's previous names in-game, type "^recallID BLID," or if the player is on the same server as you "^recallName NAME."

**because of the way the mod is written, you must spawn in order to log the chat said in the loading screen;
**this is because for some reason the host's name doesn't load as a variable until you spawn
« Last Edit: August 21, 2014, 02:39:14 PM by Aoki² »

Sweet. Straight upgrade from the old chat logger.

O, that's very useful tool for popular servers, because always exist a chance to join some richardheads.
« Last Edit: August 15, 2014, 02:03:32 PM by Halmet »

You should probably rename the isStr and strCheck because they're such a generic name they might get overwritten or overwrite others. BCL_isStr and BCL_strCheck, etc.

You should probably rename the isStr and strCheck because they're such a generic name they might get overwritten or overwrite others. BCL_isStr and BCL_strCheck, etc.
Ok, I fixed the generic function names and re-uploaded the file.

I used Aoki's code and turned it into a strictly server side IP-Address/Blockland-Name logger that likewise records changes in name but now also the IP address as well.  Similarly, log files are named as the players' BL_ID, but are contrastingly stored in the plain old config/server/logs directory.  The super-admin-only server command /CheckID can be used to display a blockland ID's name/IP address history, but is restricted from looking up the host's information.  

Download Here  

This will be very VERY useful in getting evidence of admin abuse. Thanks!