TreeAtmos Crashing Servers?

Author Topic: TreeAtmos Crashing Servers?  (Read 4527 times)

Last thing in console before servers crash:
Got connect request from
  net name = TreeAtmos
AUTHCHECK: TreeAtmos = internet client -> internet server, regular auth
Auth Init Successfull: TreeAtmos
CADD: 454898
 +- bl_id = 28023
28023 TreeAtmos
 +- no auto admin
*** Sending mission load to client:
Posting to master server
Posting to ORBS server
Posting to blid server
Slayer (Server): Sending Handshake: TreeAtmos

Since I didn't see the FULL console error (invalid packet size 512 or something), which doesn't always show up, but always tells me it was definitely crashed, I was just going to let it go.  Even though all 4 servers were crashed minutes apart.  But then I thought I'd seen the name recently. Searched for it and found these:

Leads me to believe this person is crashing my servers.  Wish I could know for sure.  Does he have a history of this?

ohhhh boy
here we go again...

TreeAtmos is literally beta

TreeAtmos is literally beta
What is this even supposed to mean.

Well what if he was theoretically beta?

for whatever reason literally has become the go to word to slap into any sentence to make it hilariously ironic

for whatever reason literally has become the go to word to slap into any sentence to make it hilariously ironic
i know, it literally drives me insane

My sister uses it in like every sentence so I say theoretically when she starts doing it and it drives her nuts lol.

People only target this servers? Hm...

People only target this servers? Hm...

Not really.

A lot of it goes undocumented, really.

It usually happens more often to his, but not 100% of them target Tezuni.

My sister uses it in like every sentence so I say theoretically when she starts doing it and it drives her nuts lol.
But the opposite of 'literally' is 'figuratively'
'Theoretically' means something else completely

for whatever reason literally has become the go to word to slap into any sentence to make it hilariously ironic

this literally (heh) just happened

so um yeah he def has the hack, i even saw a bit of him speeding along

also his excuse was that he's played started from v0002 and blockland is getting boring

bitch ive played from v8 and you dont see me stooping to cca's level.