Author Topic: Client Mod - Anti LOL  (Read 3374 times)

Anti LOL Mod

Find yourself saying 'lol' or 'xD' too much? Want to stop? Then this mod is for you. This mod is a client mod that strips 'lol' and 'xD' from your messages!
Comes with command to enable and disable anti-lolling.

« Last Edit: January 13, 2015, 01:16:06 AM by Darksaber2213 »

thought this was server sidedfor a sec.

Sheesh man you should really make an add-on dump for small script add-ons like this and all your add-ons actually.

Sheesh man you should really make an add-on dump for small script add-ons like this.
'Client' mod. Ninja edit...

Sheesh man you should really make an add-on dump for small script add-ons like this.
the new and improved marble man?

the next thing you have to do is figure out how to get this on everyone's blockland client so the cancer can be stopped completely

the next thing you have to do is figure out how to get this on everyone's blockland client so the cancer can be stopped completely
Lol xD

Could just make a server version.

the next thing you have to do is figure out how to get this on everyone's blockland client so the cancer can be stopped completely
Make a RAT that does this

But in all seriousness, these simple scripts are all either pretty silly, or very simple but very useful. You should make your own mega thread for the ones you make!

Good job!

is lol really that annoying
or xD?
its to express laughter, there isn't really a good alternative to that on the internet
*laughs* sounds weird
"rofl" can be excessive
"lmao" can be excessive

what if in your message all you say is

then what

"haha" sounds really awkward too.