
Which OS Do you prefer?

42 (71.2%)
Mac OS X
11 (18.6%)
6 (10.2%)

Total Members Voted: 59

Author Topic: Windows vs. Mac OS X Megathread  (Read 11164 times)

I don't tout it like it's so good you friend, thats not even why I am here. I only came into this discussion giving an honest comparison for the OP and what would suit his needs. And the only reason I am still defending them is because a bunch of morons came in blindly shouting Apple sucks.
Mmm resulting to insults to try to prove your point. You're not very good at this are you?

you can't paint yourself as the voice of reason and directly afterwards flippantly dismiss the thoughts of the other participants (and the participants themselves) as stemming from aggressive ignorance while simultaneously strawmanning the holy poopy out of them

Sure Google now offers most of that now, but Windows or even Android (couple people brought up android, so yes I am going to mention it here) have yet to offer anything close to the synchronization and integration between devices like what Apple does (Handoff, Continuity, iCloud, etc).

umm dude if you connect a Google account on Android it'll immediately ask you if you want to sync all your contacts, photos, settings, etc. Windows 8 has it too if you login to your Microsoft account, aswell as built in cloud storage.

One thing I also like about OSX is the built in encryption tool (Disk Utility), given they have the same thing for Windows with a third party app, OSX gives it to you for free and it's pretty much painless to use.

Windows has had this built in aswell.

Guys. Seriously. Shut up for a sec and listen to something I like to call being unbiased. It's great. Also, please read the whole post. ;)

Macs do have a superior build to most other laptops (and many desktops) out there. I know this not simply from observation, but again from experience. I have an Acer that is several years, but way more broken than a computer should be (and not because it was mistreated). I have a friend who has a 17" ASUS, but despite the laptop's power, it feels like it'd be utterly destroyed if you dropped it a foot. I have a friend who bought a MacBook Pro and immediately installed Windows on it. Why would he do that when he could just get a computer with the same power for much less? Because it offered superior build quality compared to computers with similar power and features. There's something unique to Macs; these days, their casing is all billet aluminum. This aids in two things: cooling and durability.

Cooling: Most people don't realize this, but the casing on Macs offers excellent cooling, which, in turn, increases performance and causes the internals to last as long as they do - although I'm not saying another brand couldn't last just as long.

Durability: Pretty simple, this one. I have personally witnessed three Mac laptops falling onto concrete floors (from at least three feet or higher) without a scratch - and that's with one falling directly onto the corner of its screen.

Now, remember, I did say unbiased. As a result, I would like to make it clear that there are some super-strong Windows-based laptops out there that can give a MacBook a run for its money. I believe Lenovo makes some, and there is also a computer called a ToughBook (my friend who bought the MacBook also has one) that can stop bullets and get run over by a car. In fact, my friend has had 100+lbs of steel pipes fall directly onto his. However, both are still expensive options.

Drop two thousand bucks on a laptop and it better have good build quality.
« Last Edit: February 03, 2015, 08:07:43 PM by Steve5451² »

Windows has had this built in aswell.
this is true i forgot about that (bitlocker)

totally free and p simple. also gives some nice recovery options, though i'm sure the same could be said for OSX's

Drop two thousand bucks on a laptop and it better have good build quality.


Everyone here is suffering from something called confirmation bias.

You pick facts and arguments from others to use to validate something you believe in. Not to say I am not guilty of it as well.

Point is, the build quality IS better in an Apple device and while it is a thing of taste, I'd say that the Macbooks or the Imac has a far sleeker and commercial design. The PC-s are easily affordable and reasonably priced, but what they gain in price, they loose in quality and design just as ANY other device, electronic, mechanic or a hammer. The Windows operating system allows to run many more games, but in addition to the OS X having a seamless Boot Camp option, the interface is extremely convenient and superior in design to it's windows counterpart. In Windows you have to go to a confusing interface to meddle with some settings, in OS X, you have the ability to simply pop open an application which shows everything in a understandable environment and offers a very useful spotlight tool. I believe that Macs do last longer just like any product that you pay more to get that extra build quality. In almost any other subject matter, the overruling opinion would be to buy the more expensive thing for the build quality and the durability, but somehow, that never hit off as an argument on Computer vs Computer discussions.

Thank you for reading and please, read it all if you're going to argument any point in it.

the interface is extremely convenient and superior in design to it's windows counterpart.
How the hell can anybody be so delusional as to think that this sort of thing can be a fact? That is incredibly subjective. Having used both interfaces, I can say that if you have problems using them, something is wrong with you.

The entire essence of an opinion is subjective and in that context, separating between fact and opinion is of little to no importance

The entire essence of an opinion is subjective and in that context, separating between fact and opinion is of little to no importance

Is there a problem with reading or..?

Is there a problem with reading or..?
There's definitely some kind of problem.

The entire essence of an opinion is subjective and in that context, separating between fact and opinion is of little to no importance
But you aren't presenting your opinion as an opinion. You call us all biased, then pretend that you are acknowledging your own bias by saying you might be too. However, your choice in diction and phrasing doesn't reflect that you actually believe you are giving an opinion. You use a capital 'is' and don't preface a lot of your opinions with opinion-indicating words.

in that context, separating between fact and opinion is of little to no importance
As it's obvious, from both context and the content of my post itself, this is all obviously subjective and an opinion.

The entire essence of an opinion is subjective and in that context, separating between fact and opinion is of little to no importance
If you say it's all opinions in this thread, then why did you attack another person's opinion and call them a liar? You cannot lie when stating your subjective opinion.

i don't think i've seen one reasonable person here outright dismiss apple. everyone that's been trying to have a meaningful discussion has put forth meaningful thoughts and not just said "apple sux lol!!!"

uh also confirmation bias doesn't apply when you're stating your own opinion; it applies when you take in information. there's a difference between saying "this is why i do not like something and this is the information (legitimate information is objective fact) i use to justify it" (more abstract ideas obv may not be possible to justify via objective fact, but stik w/ me ok) and "see? that one thing proves my point."

it's also pretty disrespectful to someone else's beliefs to dismiss them as being founded on ignorance or fallacy, please address the thoughts themselves and not the perceived source of them. that in itself causes the danger of argument and it's best to avoid argument in favour of actually human-like discussion.

it's also incredibly important to separate fact from opinion in literally every context because otherwise you're being fallacious. it's always important to make ridiculously clear when something is subjective and objective, because you cannot speak objectively about inherently subjective topics, although it is possible to speak subjectively in a more objective context.
« Last Edit: February 04, 2015, 12:46:40 PM by otto-san »