Author Topic: Where can I find a list of client commands?  (Read 1826 times)

I've been wondering how regular users know certain client commands. How could I know what commands there are? I've traced my client plenty of times but I can't figure out what the arguments passed on of many commands are.

dunpconsolefunctions() I think will list them
Otherwise in console you can type 'clientcmd' and press tab to cycle through them

As far as arguments, you can look at add-ons that use it ( I personally keep a copy of alpha bl + rtb for reference, though any game with uncompiled scripts would do) or just use the search function and search in coding help+mod discussion

Otherwise you can brown townyze each argument
Three numbers is a vector: a position (usually) or direction
A number in the hundreds/low thousands is probably a datablock
Anything else you can .getDatablock().getName() or .getClassname()
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 08:30:13 AM by Headcrab Zombie »

So pressing TAB will cycle though all of the comands as an autocomplete?

Yes, yes it does. There's tons of commands I didn't know about. :o

Time to have some fun! :D
« Last Edit: February 25, 2015, 08:37:38 AM by Pie Crust »

It will cycle through anything beginning with what you initially type
So if you type clientcmd, yes

So pressing TAB will cycle though all of the comands as an autocomplete?

Also Shift+Tab I think will cycle backwards.

Also Shift+Tab I think will cycle backwards.
Never knew that one.

Alt+Tab to cycle through window's applications.
Shift+Alt+Tab to cycle backward.