
period race


Author Topic: ABS FIESTA REDUX  (Read 1232382 times)

Time passes, and Walt learns that the soldier's comment about the C-RAMs going off at night wasn't exaggeration. Repairs are made on your fighters, slowly at first, but as more skilled GTO personnel get moved into the area in preparation for the invasion, they are brought back to 100%. Finally, the morning after a pro-government saboteur sneaks on-base and blows up a building, Mjolnir is called into a makeshift briefing room and given the run-down on what's coming up.

briefing music

: As some of you may have heard, there's been an attack planned against the Huit mainland. The planned landing zone is one of the few places we can actually deploy large amounts of men and materiel, just about anywhere else and we'd be throwing the assault force into a tangled "beach" of impassable vines and roots. Naturally, this means that the Huits know our options and are anticipating us to show up there. Mercanan satellite imagery shows considerable military buildup in the area, including a handful of Air Cruisers on the way to reinforce, so expect stiff resistance. Missile cruisers from the Mercanan Second Fleet, as well as limited orbital strikes, will smash any heavy fortifications while the Kintharian assault ships deploy hovercraft and VTOL dropships to make landfall. Your job is to protect these ships until they can deploy their troops, and then provide close air support for the troops as they fight their way inland. They mark a target? You take it out. Since we're helping them out here, the Kintharians have made available their drone control modules for the flight leaders' ESAM systems.
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:22:15 PM by Qwepir »


I'll be packing a2a and a2g

I turn around from the front seat.

"Everybody finalize your load outs, then Bell and I will pick our ESAMs to beat suit our flight's needs,"

I rest my head in my hand.

"That jungle would be so much easier if we had incendiary weapons," I grumble.

inb4 drone swarm
« Last Edit: June 23, 2015, 06:26:27 PM by Mr. Hurricane »

dibs on LAMS

I'll support the razorbacks

"What about this orbital strike?"

hell no you can't steal it off my plane

huh this I did not know

this should be updated then to used

"What about this orbital strike?"
: You'll have to elaborate.

"Is it at our discretion that we can use it? Any sort of special ESAM to use it? It sounds like complicated stuff,"

: Targeting for the orbital strike system is Mercana's responsibility, not ours.

For reference as to the newer sizes:

: Man I look awful in green.
: As you can see, there is a lot of empty space between lines of text. But at least you can tell apart minor variations in the sprites.
: Sort of, at least. I'm still not sure if this resolution even helps in that regard.
: I'm an actual trash can.

: Do I look different?
: Yeah you look really squinty and angry all of a sudden. I think.

Yukamo with her huge-ass hat aside, most of the lines in 35 size provide a small margin over the previous resolution, whereas the 40 results in an uncomfortably large gap between lines of dialogue.

Do you ever feel like a pallete swap?

Do you ever feel like a pallete swap?

do you feel like redoing every sprite?