Nickpb starfish for no real reason

Author Topic: Nickpb starfish for no real reason  (Read 9862 times)

It's not an actually website; In the "Your personal website" column, he put http:// It just sends you to 404 page.

Nick usually has a reason, actually; and if you listen to the message behind his behavior he'll be totally fine.

I thought Fen was permanently banned over a month ago.

lol gg friend.


The other day Custardo was spamming some line of cod in the server chat and he said it lets you see players names through walls. Should've gotten a screenshot.

That's just nick, he's has the personality

You shouldn't (D)Dos servers or this is how you get treated

Isn't this the guy that turned prison escape into the A$$ Party?

DDOS a server and stab a friend in the back
I'd call you a forgettard to

Isn't this the guy that turned prison escape into the A$$ Party?
Dude I've done so much better then that

Nick usually has a reason, actually; and if you listen to the message behind his behavior he'll be totally fine.
Pretty much ya

I always call him richardPB cause of that
And I don't say your name because quite frankly you are beneath everyone on this forum except pie crust and his crusty dog

Custardo is a well known problem user and constant source of drama. I literally don't even feel the need to defend myself cause I've done nothing wrong and well forget it's custardo so idrc

Ily all very much

custardo is awful and not really in the best place to accuse him
i feel like nickpb can randomly lash out sometimes, tho. this wasn't one of those times obviously

I've never really seen him be unjustified in "lashing out."

I've never really seen him be unjustified in "lashing out."
yeah now that i think of it im prob thinking of someone else idk

I've never really seen him be unjustified in "lashing out."
Just because he has reason to lash out doesn't mean he should.