Author Topic: KeyUtils - Open-Source Key Recovery  (Read 5978 times)

Currently V0.6

What is KeyUtils?

KeyUtils is an open-source program to assist in players recovering their lost keys, to help people understand more about the keydat system, and in the future to give players a more secure way to store their key.

KeyUtils is written in .NET C#, using the 4* framework. That means the program will be compatible with almost every version of windows.
If you don't have have the .NET 4 framework, you can download it here.

What can it do?

At the moment, it doesn't have all the features that are planned for it. So far, it has:

  • 3 Decryption Modes:
  • The first (and default) mode allows you to decrypt the keydat from your own blockland installation, assuming you can still play the game normally. In the future you will be able to decrypt your keydat if you have recently changed processors as well. An admittedly rare, but possible scenario.
  • The second mode allows you to decrypt multiple keydats made on the same computer, if you have a keydat to which you know the key it contains.
  • The third mode allows you to experiment around with keydat decryption. You input a raw MAC address and a processor name (Case sensitive) and it outputs the raw decrypted result in hexadecimal.

  • Fake key generator (Just to clarify... They don't work. It's theoretically possible for them to work, but the chances are... 0.00000000000000008%. Sooo... Not that good.)
  • Key to BLID converter
  • Check for updates automatically!
  • More features to come!

How do I use it?
The program is incredibly easy to use. However if you can't figure out how to use it on your own, you can click here to get a tutorial on the basics.

How do I know it's safe?
The program is totally open-source! This means you can be sure what the program does. For the more technically inclined, you can take a look through the complete source code over at and verify that for yourself. After you download the zip file with the program in it, you can also verify the hashes of the file to ensure that you've not gotten a faulty download. Finally, on top of all that, you can decompile the exe file provided and ensure that the download itself doesn't contain any source code not in the Github repository. You can do this using one of many tools, like Telerik JustDecompiler, Red-Gate Reflector, and ILSpy.

Where can I download it?
You can download the program right here.

I whole-heartedly encourage you to spread awareness about this program. If you know someone who is having troubles getting their key, try directing them to this program! The solution could be as easy as that.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 03:48:28 PM by Ipquarx »

Still needs a proper .msi installer. Let me do that for you really fast

Even though I probably won't forget my key, this is pretty nice

If you know someone who is having trouble with their key, tell them to e-mail which is almost certainly far more reliable than this.

If you know someone who is having trouble with their key, tell them to e-mail which is almost certainly far more reliable than this.
In case you were unaware, badspot rarely ever replies to emails about lost keys there. That's one of the reasons I made this program in the first place. This program is 100% reliable as long as you're still able to auth correctly, and is intended to be used BEFORE something major happens and you lose it permanently.

Here's the relevant quote:
It's not my responsibility to keep track of your magic Blockland number.  Email recovery works and it's the only way I can identify you.
« Last Edit: April 23, 2015, 05:30:02 PM by Ipquarx »

In case you were unaware, badspot rarely ever replies to emails about lost keys there.
I am unaware, because the one time I needed it he got back to me almost right away.

That quote literally states that e-mailing him is the best way to get your key back.

the main problem is the common scenario when you no longer have access to the e-mail account, and i know there's also a quote about that

though "Email recovery...[is] the only way I can identify you" is pretty related in that sense, if you can't somehow prove you own the key he can't help you, and the associated e-mail is p much the only sure-fire thing

if you have access to the e-mail account associated with the key then the standard e-mail recovery is obv the best option because it'll actually work lol

Basically what otto said, if you don't have access to the original email address for whatever reason (It may sound unlikely but it's happened to me and countless others) you can't change that recovery email and then you're screwed.

Also if you've been playing the game so long that it has out lived your email address, maybe it's worth buying again.
Let it never be said that Badspot is not a business man to be praised.

i've actually had my recovery e-mail changed because i still had my key, which i guess is a way of reverse-verification lol

so if u know ur recovery is POOPED you mite wana do that if he'll let u cus u never no u no

If you know someone who is having trouble with their key, tell them to e-mail which is almost certainly far more reliable than this.
Personally I wholeheartedly believe that a properly working program designed to extract a piece of data you need is far more reliable than sending a message to a person who's whims will determine whether or not you get what you need.

Slightly more ontopic: I like the UI design. We've needed a good open-source version of one of these for a while.

I lost my key today for the non-steam version of Blockland (because the steam version doesn't use keys), and this helped!

I lost my key today for the non-steam version of Blockland (because the steam version doesn't use keys), and this helped!
Glad to be of help!

Just out of curiosity, what would be the use of the Fake Key Generator?

Just out of curiosity, what would be the use of the Fake Key Generator?
Mostly for fun, but another purpose is to show the relation between BLID and the first 5 characters of your key. You can convert any BLID into a key ID with the fake key generator, and then convert back to BLID with the other tool.