Custom Client Colors

Author Topic: Custom Client Colors  (Read 572 times)

Is there a way to customize the colors you see in other servers? I just thought it would be
really interesting to do this, and have your own little effects. Kind of like how in Minecraft
you can change your own theme, but not that advanced. (Just the colors)

My guess is that it wouldn't be simple doing this in just a regular add-on, but if anyone has
any ideas or suggestions, I'm willing to hear them.

Brick colors? GUI colors? Chat colors?

Brick colors? GUI colors? Chat colors?
Brick colors, sky colors, ground colors, player's colors, etc. Chat and GUI and incredibly easy to change :l

Most of these functions are protected by the engine so no, not realistically.

Edit: Also, to give help on SOME of these to the wrong person would be teaching them the basics on how to make exploits.

Most of these functions are protected by the engine so no, not realistically.

Edit: Also, to give help on SOME of these to the wrong person would be teaching them the basics on how to make exploits.
Oh hey I just saw you at that boring server (NAT3)

On Topic:
I would say that you can trust me, but that's exactly what a person who you couldn't trust you would say.

It's not just you, it's anyone watching this topic. Also, from what I saw speaking with you, I absolutely don't trust you with any info such as this.

It is in fact possible to change the colors you see in the server, but it is not retroactive, meaning that any bricks that are loaded before you change your colortable will maintain their color.

While this is possible, it should not be done. These things are used to create a certain atmosphere on the server and if you change it for your own you'll only break your experience or possibly cheat.

If anyone knows how to do it, please think about it for a second and do not post it.