Author Topic: I got assaulted by a person with a biting special interest  (Read 1307 times)


Standing to board my bus only to see this guy walk behind me and Bite my shoulder, he ran away before I could get him. 5 minutes later he does it again, what the hell.

I guess this thread will be about weird ass things that have happened

ohhhhhh boyyyyyyyyyyyy

If this guy come backs and you snap a picture of him you could call the cops or something idfk

That counts as assault. He can get arrested for it.
« Last Edit: May 28, 2015, 02:58:42 PM by joe411 »

The forget. I have marks from it.

I'll post pics soon

Sorry I was hungry and I always wondered what people taste like.

Sorry I was hungry and I always wondered what people taste like.
do people taste good

do people taste good
I wouldn't be surprised if a medium rare human would taste good

do people taste good
depends which part ;)

Yeah, my shoulder hurts a lot. I may just shake it off instead of going to an offical. Shows no bruising yet

5 minutes later he does it again, what the hell.
why did you let it happen twice

depends which part ;)

Yeah, my shoulder hurts a lot. I may just shake it off instead of going to aan offical
you only have to worry if it penetrated the skin. Because humans have really really gross mouths, it might as well be venomous if you've been bit by a human, youd even have to go to ER. IIRC.

do people taste good
I didn't get enough to actually taste it. Hold on let me go back and get more.

When I was younger (like...8), there was a girl at my grandparents church who kept chasing me trying to lick me. I went and told a teacher and she got in trouble.

bite them back
oh yeah, time to make use of my 5 canine teeth for real