[Fixed rerelease] Core's Tool Slot keybinds

Author Topic: [Fixed rerelease] Core's Tool Slot keybinds  (Read 1817 times)

Mod that allows you to go back and forth between using your number keys to go through your brick inventory and your tool inventory.
There was an issue with the original release that would break going from your fifth tool slot to your fourth and vice versa. It got pretty annoying so I went ahead and fixed it. I can't even find the original posting of it, so I figure I'll go ahead and share the fix.
http://brown townblaze.com/downloads/Client_SlotBindsV2.zip

jes00 made something similar; rather than having a manual toggle, it will automatically swap the number keys' function when building is disabled.
You can find it here.
« Last Edit: June 29, 2015, 02:53:11 PM by ·:Taboo:· »

I've made the same thing before, except mine switches based on if building is enabled or not. No manual switching.

I've made the same thing before, except mine switches based on if building is enabled or not. No manual switching.

Cool? Then link it?

« Last Edit: June 27, 2015, 07:20:34 AM by jes00 »