Author Topic: Security Notice: Support_AdminEvents insecure  (Read 3632 times)

Support_AdminEvents.cs contains a security vulnerability.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 03:32:04 PM by Greek2me »

....Where did you even get this?
The version found in Event_EnvControl (the only add-on I've made using this, download available here if you wish to check) has the following:

function serverCmdAddEvent(%client, %delay, %input, %target, %a, %b, %output, %par1, %par2, %par3, %par4)
      //Define aLevel based on whether the client is host, super admin, admin, or none
      if(%client.bl_id == getNumKeyID())
         %aLevel = 3;
      else if(%client.isSuperAdmin)
         %aLevel = 2;
      else if(%client.isAdmin)
         %aLevel = 1;
         %aLevel = 0;

      //Get more information about what event the client chose
      %class = getWord(getField($InputEvent_TargetListfxDTSBrick_[%input],%a),1);
      %name = $OutputEvent_Name[%class, %output];
      %reqLevel = getWord($AdminOutputEvent[%class,%name],0);
      //Does the client have sufficient priviledges to use this event?
      if(%reqLevel > %aLevel)
         messageClient(%client,'','You do not have a sufficient admin level to use the event %1::%2. It has been removed from your brick. Type \c2/restrictedEvents \c0for more info',%class,%name);
         Parent::serverCmdAddEvent(%client, %delay, %input, %target, %a, %b, %output, %par1, %par2, %par3, %par4);
« Last Edit: June 28, 2015, 03:22:59 PM by Headcrab Zombie »

I was reviewing an add-on for BLG and it was in there:

Well definitely deny it then. I don't know where this came from, but tell the add-on dev to get the version from me.

For now, since the problem is solved (as far as I have control over), perhaps you could remove the vulnerability exposition, so anyone with unscrupulous interests can't find it an exploit iadd-ons using this version?

Sure. The reason I posted it here is because I assumed multiple people are using that version in their mods.

Lesson learned after the server spam today: I should have disclosed this more discreetly. My bad.

Lesson learned after the server spam today: I should have disclosed this more discreetly. My bad.
Dann Greek, some people got revoked cause of you

Haha just kidding. I got unrevoked. But yeah be more discreet next time xD

also, about the whole being discrete part
I was thinking of making a way to fix this by joining servers and testing if they had the exploit, and then if they did using eval to overwrite a portion of the addon to remove the exploit

it might be better than posting about it, but at the same time, not sure if it's a good idea to be doing something like that behind the host's back

also, about the whole being discrete part
I was thinking of making a way to fix this by joining servers and testing if they had the exploit, and then if they did using eval to overwrite a portion of the addon to remove the exploit

it might be better than posting about it, but at the same time, not sure if it's a good idea to be doing something like that behind the host's back
Badspot already CRC'ed it.

I was saying for the future
I kind of figured it was a bit late when the exploit started being abused on a larger scale

It's not a good idea to go behind the host's back like that, regardless of intentions.
Plus, it wouldn't fix the root problem: that the add-on was available for download