Bot_Mutalid (By Hydralisk and ArmyUnit)

Author Topic: Bot_Mutalid (By Hydralisk and ArmyUnit)  (Read 7837 times)

The Mutalid


-Custom model, animations, sounds, and icons
-Includes Mclaw (Mutalid Claw) weapon
-Bot spawns in several different colors, and uses the Mclaw weapon

Changelog since the RTB version:

Code: [Select]
-Ported the playertype over to the default bot system, and removed reliance on the old Gamemode_Zombie mod.

-Fixed all lighting issues.
-Removed double-sided rendering on the model (potential performance improvement if many Mutalids are present)
-Removed a few unneeded vertices and faces in the model
-Fixed rotation of mount points in hands
-Added mount2 (chest) and mount5 (head) points

-Fixed animation issues caused by attack animations.
-Fixed the head-side animation facing the incorrect direction.
-Fixed several minor animation issues
-Added back and side movement animations

-Fixed incorrect bounding-box shape (fixes getting stuck in some areas).
-Increased number of inventory slots from 1 to 5. (This is mainly for convenience)
-Fixed the first letter of the UI name not being capitalized.

-Cleaned up some redundant code found within the mutalid claw weapon.




-Hydralisk: project lead, model, script
-ArmyUnit: animations, model cleanup, polish, dying during testing

I think Yndaaa also had a hand in some of the animations (initial version of the run animation especially), but it's been so long since I last worked on this, so I can't remember for certain if this is true.

« Last Edit: September 05, 2015, 08:26:25 PM by ArmyUnit »

Thank you for doing this Army unit

image is broken, but good job on this, needed this ported for a while.

image is broken


kk fixing

Wait you sure about that? I know for a fact that it was working fine for someone else.

Images are broken in both Microsoft Edge and IE.

don't know about Firefox though, the images aren't .WebP are they?

« Last Edit: September 14, 2015, 12:09:31 PM by ZERØ »

I'm on firefox and the images are fine for me

k changed the file hosting site used

if that doesn't fix the images then I dunno what the problem is

Holy stuff thanks man

You're a loving legend


I was like "What??" because there is a mutalid in RTB archives. But then I read the fixes, and this version must be way better. So Thanks.