Author Topic: Brickitect & Serings harass chewer  (Read 31061 times)


  • Administrator
Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.

Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.

loving destroyed, thank you baddy.

Do not engage.
this is not a drill. i repeat, this is NOT a drill

Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.
So Taboo is never going to be on these forums again huh. Now that's something.

Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.

never expected that would happen ever :()
at least he got kushgal

Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.

He'll be back. He probably already is. Under a new alias.

He'll be back. He probably already is. Under a new alias.
Shut up let's have the victory while it still lasts.
But we should check all users registered today to see if they are similar to Kushcigarette's.

Taboo is now ban on sight from the forums.  Report future accounts.  Do not engage.

I love how not too long ago Taboo got on my ass for "trying to get the last word in," when the forgettard is petty enough to spend $10 just to do the same thing.

Little stuff deserves to be a ban on sight.

now why did you guys have to go and get him banned

he was pretty interesting to watch argue constantly. it was always funny how oblivious and needlessly confrontational a person could be at the same time

Well taboobles, it was alright knowing you barely.