Author Topic: gangsta gun(s)  (Read 1483 times)

it would be real cool if we could get the default gun, but tilted sideways. no recoil either. and a large flash for the emitter when the bullet comes out will fit nicely. and a semi-loud bang or something from pulp fiction would too. and dual tilt is heavily needed.

please make this gangster weapon to complete the gangster journey.

edit: my friend said that the bullet emitter for when a bullet hits someone should be money. thanks and bye.

double edit: id also like a entrepreneur  version where its painted gold. and on top of that, the dual would be gold and purple. thanks and bye.

possible final edit: please make an smg version of this where there is absolutely no recoil control and it just sprays a volley of bullets from the front to the top

final final edit: also dual gold and purple smgs thanks and bye.

final final final edit: a sawed-off shotgun that sends you backwards at extreme, but nonfatal, speeds. and yes, dual versions painted gold would be really cool. thanks and bye
« Last Edit: January 10, 2016, 12:09:47 AM by The Subject »

and a semi-loud bang or something from pulp fiction
do you mean a gunshot?

do you mean a gunshot?
Yes i was really excited and tired when posting this.

Coherently speaking, what I am asking for is:
-a tilted gun, with dual gold and purple versions
-an smg with I-shaped firing patterns from recoil
-and dual shotguns

-and dual shotguns
You can use the quake type weapon pack for that

-an smg with I-shaped firing patterns from recoil
this isnt possible
i am extremely salty
« Last Edit: January 13, 2016, 12:43:27 PM by pwnfulz »

this isnt possible

although port says it's very easy to cheat with this type of recoil because the server will say "ok client add the recoil" and the client can just be like "nah" very technical language i'm sorry

but seriously. don't pronounce things impossible just because you haven't seen them before.
« Last Edit: January 12, 2016, 11:39:57 PM by Teneksi »

Did that ever got released though? I want to test it out.

it's very easy to cheat with this type of recoil because the server will say "ok client add the recoil" and the client can just be like "nah"