Author Topic: Stupid Bans, Kicks, and Mutes  (Read 600787 times)

please stop
also does banned count as a fake ban message or no?
also unnecessary emoticons
I've seen a few posts where a user pretends to be banned, then Badspot crosses out the fake messages and bans the user. He doesn't appreciate people screwing with his administrative powers like they're some kind of joke.

I've seen a few posts where a user pretends to be banned, then Badspot crosses out the fake messages and bans the user. He doesn't appreciate people screwing with his administrative powers like they're some kind of joke.

He already got banned for two of his spam posts though.

So i was in that other guys Endless zombies (W/ another name) to see if he didnt stole my old build or somthing.

Me: "Cool map, Inspired by buttman's?"
Him: "No"
Me: "His map sucks anyway, your map is much better!" (nod)
Him: "Your mom sucks"
Him: somthing else i can't remember

Then i got kicked. What in the actually forget?
Would that be Lukas75?

I've got one

I'm about to close my server because I had to go. Then one of my admins Mr. Blockland instantly cleared all bricks, and he Permanatley banned every single person before shut down for a reason of "lol", Luckly I got him out of there before he got the last blockhead.

I've got one

I'm about to close my server because I had to go. Then one of my admins Mr. Blockland instantly cleared all bricks, and he Permanatley banned every single person before shut down for a reason of "lol", Luckly I got him out of there before he got the last blockhead.
A) Top quality administration on your server
B) Because of A, I will not be visiting your server. That's worse than Tezuni's admins.

I've got one

I'm about to close my server because I had to go. Then one of my admins Mr. Blockland instantly cleared all bricks, and he Permanatley banned every single person before shut down for a reason of "lol", Luckly I got him out of there before he got the last blockhead.
Get Mr. Blockland's ID so we can add it to the Big List of People who should Never Ever Ever be in Any Position of Power.

Get Mr. Blockland's ID so we can add it to the Big List of People who should Never Ever Ever be in Any Position of Power.
His ID according to my BANLIST.txt file is 31035

A) Top quality administration on your server
B) Because of A, I will not be visiting your server. That's worse than Tezuni's admins.
This was the only admin that I've had that's acted like this, but ok.

Now normally that would be a legit reason, but that was maybe 5 seconds after i spawned.
Blur was on Kotsabiku's too, and when he asked for me to be unbanned, the host refused.

I got banned for doing a joke

1 minute so it had to go here.

I got banned for doing a joke

1 minute so it had to go here.
Aand I forgot the proof.

 That was block dude's server also, I was on it, and Laremere and I were standing up for Ace and were banned for "Stupid cussing idiot" or something.

I'm glad you stood up for him, good to know how many good people are still in the forums. P.S. This is my first post EVER on the BL Forums! :cookie:

And another

Some guy calling me a kid (Most likely 7) got angry at the fact I said it was a city RPG

I proved to him it's called a City RPG, but then he perma'd me.

And he said this

Two, my grammar is more proper then yours.

When he said:

It's not it's own game.

When I was new, I joined a server (obviously). The server was an ordinary Freebuild, no add-ons, no nothing but default. Then, when I put a baseplate down the Host said, "gve me trust," (yes, he made a spelling mistake). I asked "why," although he didn't answer my question and said, "GIVE ME TRUST OR ELSE BAN!11!" It was like he was pushing a gun on my head, trigger about to be released. Although it felt like that, I kept on rebelling until it came to the point of me saying, "**** you, really," and left.

One year later I find him, still hasn't changed his name from "Blockhead[SomethingInThe40ks]" and building the crappiest "house" I've ever seen.

                                                                        That was my story.  :cookieMonster:

Another one (Sorry for so many posts)

Host: you got upgraded and went in admin room

Me: No, I just simply spawned in a gun.

*Awkward silence*

You are banned from this server, reason: Listen to what I say