Author Topic: Google chrome.  (Read 2496 times)

 :cookieMonster: :cookie:stupid...Google chrome lets hackers do anything.

Or you're just an idiot.

I'm on google chrome right now, faster way to get here. D:<

Having fun spewing out bullstuff?

Google chome is only good for research.

Who told you to use it anyways?

You do realize that Google Chrome is the only browser that can't be hacked, right? Well, without add-ons that is, if you have some crappy hackable add-on then are hackable.  The way Chrome sandboxes pages keeps the hackers from being able to hack anything outside the page.  Any other browser doesn't sandbox their pages, so professionals can get through with security holes they find.

Oh, also, Chrome and Safari are the only two browsers I recommend, other browsers don't support standards well enough at the current time.

Oh, also, Chrome and Safari are the only two browsers I recommend, other browsers don't support standards well enough at the current time.

Oh, also, Chrome and Safari are the only two browsers I recommend, other browsers don't support standards well enough at the current time.
QFT. Typing on Chrome, and I'm never going back.

Hey, I bet he's the hacker and the only thing he did was actually changing the text on a page with a "hacking" tool.

Google chome is only good for research.
Why do you think I have it?  :3

Google Chrome may boot fast, but it crashes much faster than Firefox does.

Google Chrome may boot fast, but it crashes much faster than Firefox does.
Firefox crashes more on my pc.

My Chrome never and has never crashed on me, so you must HAv BEn1 h4x0r3d!

Does Chrome import your bookmarks?