Author Topic: Index to all events  (Read 2876 times)

Since I've seen 2 or three topics come up about events, I quickly typed up an index that shows all the included events in the game. Enjoy.

OnActivate: A player clicks the brick
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Player: The player that activated the brick
Client: The client that activated the brick
Minigame: Targets the active minigame the player is in
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onBlownUp: The brick is fake killed
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Player: The player that caused the brick to blow up
Client: The client that caused the brick to blow up
Minigame: Targets the active minigame the player that blew up the brick is in
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onBotTouch: A bot (such as a horse) touches the brick
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Bot: The bot that touched the brick
Driver: The player currently driving/riding the bot that touched the brick
Client: The owner of the bot that touched the brick
Minigame: Targets the active minigame the bot is involved with
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onPlayerTouch: A player (such as yourself) touches the brick (not activate)
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Player: The player that touched the brick
Client: The client that touched the brick
Minigame: Targets the active minigame the player is in
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onPrintCountOverFlow: When the brick has incremented a print count higher than 9
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Client: The player's client that caused the overflow
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onPrintCountUnderFlow: When the brick has decremented a print count lower than 0
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Client: The player's client that caused the underflow
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

onProjectileHit: A projectile such as a pong ball or a bullet has hit the brick
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Player: The player who shot the brick, or owner of the projectile
Client: The player who shot the brick, or owner of the projectile's client
Projectile: The projectile that hit the brick
Minigame: The current minigame the player who shot the projectile is in
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

The brick receives a relay
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

The brick respawns after being fakekilled or destroyed in a minigame
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name

The brick is killed from a hammer or a wand
Applies to:
Self: The brick itself
Player: The player who killed the brick
Client: The client who killed the brick
Minigame: The current minigame the player who broke the brick is in
<NAMED BRICK> Any brick with a given name



cancelEvents: Cancels the brick's running events. Useful for stopping loops or ending an event stream.

decrementPrintCount: Decrements the brick's print by the amount put in the argument box. Bricks don't need to be print bricks to have their value decremented. When the brick decrements 1 after 0, the brick's print resets to 9, and a onPrintCountUnderflow event is issued to the brick. These as well as relays can make event loops.

disappear: Temporarily turns off the bricks collision, rendering, and raycasting.A n argument of -1 will cause it to disappear forever, an argument of 0 will cause the brick to reappear,  and an argument greater than 0 will cause the brick to disappear for that many seconds. Unlike fakeKillBrick, this event does not issue a onRespawn event.

fakeKillBrick: Temporarily destroys the brick, similar to the disappear event. The first three arguments tell what direction it will go forward-back, left-right, and up-down, and the last argument says for how long. A value of 0 will cause the brick to be fakekilled forever. When and if the brick recovers, it will issue an onRespawn event.

fireRelay: Fires a relay to itself (or named brick). Issues an onRelay event. Relays are the most commonly used type of event for making event loops. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelayDown: Fires a relay to the brick directly below, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelayEast: Fires a relay to the brick directly east of it, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelayNorth: Fires a relay to the brick directly north of it, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelaySouth: Fires a relay to the brick directly south of it, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelayUp: Fires a relay to the brick directly above it, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

fireRelayWest: Fires a relay to the brick directly west of it, issuing an onRelay event to that brick. The relay retains the ownership of the person who made it.

incrementPrintCount: Increments the brick's print by the amount put in the argument box. Bricks don't need to be print bricks to have their value incremented. When the brick increments 1 after 9, the brick's print resets to 0, and a onPrintCountOverflow event is issued to the brick. These as well as relays can make event loops.

killBrick: Permanently destroys the brick. Apparently this event will be removed in the future, since it has little practical use.

playSound: Causes the brick to play a sound. Sounds and music are two different things.

radiusImpulse: Causes a 'explosion' or 'implosion' from the brick. The first argument is the range, the second argument is the amount of force the player/vehicle/bot is thrown from the brick's range (a negative value will cause the player/vehicle/bot to be drawn toward the brick), and the last argument has something to do with the vertical velocity on the player/vehicle/bot. A radiusImpulse only affects the owner of it and their vehicles or bots, unless the owner is in a minigame. In that case, all players active in the minigame are affected by this event.

recoverVehicle: If the brick is a vehicle spawn, respawns the vehicle/bot without fully healing it.

respawn: If the brick has been fakekilled, respawns it. Issues an onRespawn event.

respawnVehicle: If the brick is a vehicle spawn, respawns and fully heals the vehicle/bot.

setColliding: Turns the bricks colliding (whether or not players, bots, or vehicles can go through it). When it's checked, it's on. When it's unchecked, it's off.

setColor: Sets the brick's color. Colors are chosen from the current colorset.

setColorFX: Set's the brick's special events, such as pearl, blink, and glow.

setEmitter: Sets the brick's current emitter.

setEmitterDirection: Set's the emitter's direction; up, down, north, south, east, or west. Note that some emitters do not change regardless of what direction they're supposedly heading.

setEventEnabled: Turns the bricks events on or off. To enter an event to be turned on/off, enter the number of the event (the number displayed on the far left) into the text-field. For more than one brick, separate each event number with a space. The check box toggles whether the events are turned on or turned off. Checked means the events will be turned on, unchecked means they will be turned off.

setItem: Set's the brick's item. Items will remain until the brick has another item set or it is killed.

setItemDirection: Set's the direction the item will face. This event is not to be confused with the setItemPosition event.

setItemPosition: Set's the position the brick will hold an item: up, down, north, south, east, or west.

setLight: Sets the brick's light.

setMusic: Sets what music the brick will play/loop. Sounds and music are two different things.

setRayCasting: Sets the brick's raycasting (whether or not the player will be able to activate it or a projectile will hit it, among other things). A checked box turns it on, and an unchecked box shuts it off.

setRendering: Sets the brick's visibility. A checked box turns it on, and an unchecked box turns it off. Invisible bricks can be seen while holding a brick or a tool. This doesn't turn off colliding and raycasting like disappear does.

setShapeFX: Changes the special effect shape of the brick. Currently the only options are None, Undulo, and Water. Setting a brick's shapeFX to water doesn't turn the brick into water, it only resembles it.

setVehicle: If it's a vehicle brick, sets it's vehicle/bot to whatever you choose.

SpawnExplosion: Spawns an explosion from the brick. The slider determines how big the explosion is.

SpawnItem: Fires an item from the brick. The first three arguments determine where the item's forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocity, and the list selects what item will spawn. Spawned items only last for about 10 seconds until they disappear.

spawnProjectile: Spawns a projectile from the brick. The first three arguments determine the initial forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocity, the list chooses what type of projectile, and the last three arguments (other than the slider) determine it's amount of inaccuracy in forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocities. The slider determines how big the projectile will be.

toggleEventEnabled: Toggles the bricks events on or off. To enter an event to be toggled, enter the number of the event (the number displayed on the far left) into the text-field. For more than one brick, separate each event number with a space. If the event that is toggled is currently off, it is turned on, and if the event that's currently toggled is turned on, it turns off.

Player (bot, driver):

AddHealth: Adds (or removes) health to the player/bot. Negative values remove health. If 100 health is lost, the player dies.

AddVelocity: Adds velocity to the player/bot. The three arguments determine the player's forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocity. Unlike the SetVelocity event, this adds to the current velocity of the player.

BurnPlayer: Burns the player/bot for the amount you put in the argument box in seconds. Burning the player does not remove health.

ChangeDataBlock: Changes the player's (or bot's) current datablock. The player/bot can change into any player-type or bot through this event, such as a Quake-Like Player or a Horse.

ClearBurn: Spawns a soot cloud and clears the burn in the player or bot, if any.

ClearTools: Expunges all items the player may be holding on to.

Dismount: If the player or bot is in or riding a vehicle/bot, forces the player/bot to dismount it.

InstantRespawn: Instantly respawns the player to the spawn sphere or, if in a minigame, to the spawn brick. This has no effect on bots.

Kill: Instantly kills the player or bot.

SetHealth: Sets the player's (or bot's) health to the amount in the box. A value lower than 1 will kill the player / bot.

SetPlayerScale: Changes the size of the player/bot to whatever the slider is set to times the normal size of the player/bot.

SetVelocity: Sets velocity of the player/bot. The three arguments determine the player's forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocity. Unlike the AddVelocity event, this ignores the player's (or bot's) current velocity.

SpawnExplosion: Spawns an explosion from the player/bot. The slider determines how big the explosion is.

SpawnProjectile: Spawns a projectile from the player's (or bot's) head. The first argument determines the object's speed, and the last three other than the slider determine the amount of inaccuracy of the forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocities of the projectile. The slider determines how big the projectile is.


BottomPrint: Displays a message at the bottom of the screen of the client. The first argument determines what the message is, and the second argument determines how long the message will be displayed.

CenterPrint: Displays a message at the center of the screen of the client. The first argument determines what the message is, and the second argument determines how long the message will be displayed.

ChatMessage: Shows a message in chat for the client. The text box determines what the message is.

IncScore: Adds to the score of the client. A negative value will take points off.


Bounce: Ricochets the projectile, reversing the velocity at it's collision point. The slider determines the velocity the projectile will travel at multiplied by it's current velocity.

Delete: Destroys the projectile.

Explode: Causes the projectile to explode. This event isn't much different from the delete event.

Redirect: Sets the Projectile's velocity. The first three arguments determine the projectile's forward-back, left-right, and up-down velocity. The check box determines whether the projectile keeps it's current total speed when it's redirected. Checked means yes, unchecked means no.

If there's anything missing, let me know.

Maybe you should rename to index of all default events?

Maybe you should rename to index of all default events?


Um... my modify button is gone all the sudden.



But I don't have a monocle

Needz moar sticky.
yes, and good job snaily, almost as good as blockbook, which is better than the epic camel + dragon... =D

Also note on Recover Vehicle (though you can't edit):
It does not respawn the vehicle, it simply fetches it back to the spawn if there are no players currently driving it.

Also note on Recover Vehicle (though you can't edit):
It does not respawn the vehicle, it simply fetches it back to the spawn if there are no players currently driving it.
thanks, i was wondering what that did

Can't figure out RadiusImpulse