Author Topic: Generic Church (AoB app)  (Read 1952 times)

Generic Church
Well, I finally got around to finishing my app for AoB, so here is my "Generic Church"


Front view:


The Bell tower:

Individual tower:


Pew pew pew:


View looking at the crowd:

Feel free to rate, I would like constructive criticism.
I know some parts are a bit spammy or lack detail.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 05:28:18 PM by Tingalz »

Suggestion - Make teh stained glass LOOK like something.

I'm pretty sure Inv3rted won't mind, there's no crosses at all :P

Nice, but there's something about the Entrance that's bugging me.
I don't know if it's just because you used four doors, or something else.
I think perhaps it needs a little rounded path next to the entrance on the outside, if you know what I mean.
It's just most of the churches I've seen thend to have some form of semi-circular path/steps leading up to it.

Well done, good job.
I hope you get in with it.

Very un-generic church; for one thing most churches have no more than four steeples, and the ones that have 3-4 are usually massive cathedrals. It seems with this church you tried to take the architecture of a Gothic cathedral and scale it down to a smaller house of worship.


This is a very cool build.

The windows are my favorite part.

Very un-generic church; for one thing most churches have no more than four steeples, and the ones that have 3-4 are usually massive cathedrals. It seems with this church you tried to take the architecture of a Gothic cathedral and scale it down to a smaller house of worship.
Actually, when I said generic I meant more on the lines of the idea of making a church was generic :P
Thanks for the criticism guys.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2009, 04:29:21 PM by Tingalz »

Catholic or Baptist?

I suspect Catholic.

Christian or Christian?

I suspect Christian.

 All the same God, just more believers with different ways to believe.

Nice. Hope it gets you in.

Yeah, the bottom half looks Romanesque where the top looks Gothic.

I don't like the exterior walls, they just don't seem to fit the rest of the building's style.

It looks like a real church, kudos :cookie:X1,000,000,000

It looks like you took a well made roof and duped it over a terribly made base.