Author Topic: In Loving Memory of Robert John Diller Sr.  (Read 45362 times)

I don't know what to say. I can't believe this. I'm telling you guys because I always have been able to relate to this community and I need to tell at least someone. My dad fell, after my brother fell in the bathroom and my dad couldn't get in because my brother locked the door and my sister got the door open (doesn't matter how) and then I hear my sister scream. She screamed that my dad had fallen too, although I did not believe it I had to go see. I saw him, lying there, slumped over in the corner next to the bed trying to breathe.I couldn't believe this was happening and my mom gave me the phone--she'd already called the ambulance, and I gave him CPR. He was barely breathing, at all. I screamed and didn't know what to do, and before I knew it I had two paramedics behind me going to help him. I did everything I could and alas I don't know how he's doing.. I can't get the hospital because my mother is  crippled and can't drive, and now I am here, sitting here, worrying about him and thinking of how surreal this all is.

Sometimes, wishing is all you can do.

I finally got those pictures done.

« Last Edit: February 11, 2010, 08:27:40 PM by JD »

I can't think of a witty comment.

That's sucks. I would cheer you up for if we were anywhere enar eachother.

At first, I tought this was some sad techno song.  :cookieMonster:

I can't think of a witty comment.
I saw that. :(

All i can say is that i hope he gets back all right.

That's sucks. I would cheer you up for if we were anyehere enar eachother.

Did you have a stroke?

Did your dad have any past problems, or did he just trip?

I can't even understand what you said.  Why was he in the bathroom with your brother?

That's sucks. I would cheer you up for if we were anywhere enar eachother.

Did you have a stroke?

I don't get it. I posted something just like this and the only thing everyone did was flame :(

On Topic: Hope he is alright.

How... What...? How did he fall?

same type thing happened to my mom

she fell in the shower and was unconcious for 10 minutes before we realized she fell.
we got her to the hospital and found out she had like 3 blood clots in her lungs.

she was in and out of the hospital and this stupid asian doctor said she was fine and didnt need to be in the hospital when she still had not been treated. if my mom listened to that doctor, she could have died.
she was on medication for like 2 years then later fell down the stairs and broke her leg. the blood clots came back, lots of complications with CVS and chickenhead clerk.
but she is still alive though