Author Topic: STEAM WINTER SALE THREAD - NOW DISCUSSION  (Read 31754 times)

i would seriously love you so much


Ive been wanting the Legendary Edition of Skyrim, and its currently 66% off.
My steam is here for those who have the extra $

I will probably pick something from your Wishlist if sent, like a trade.

buy me bad rats because im too cheap to fork out 49 cents

And one time a guy gave me Dota 2 out of nowhere when it wasn't even on sale or anything. I didn't even ask for it that time.
oh god lol

My wishlist:


Bioshock: Infinite

Civilization V


Star Wars: Jedi Knight Jedi Academy (Or any of the JK series)

SW: Force Unleashed II

RPG Maker VX Ace

Any (or all) of those would be fantastic. <3

(I'm poor, please. ;-;)

Skyrim Legendary Edition anyone? :c
Freakin' low on cash, but right now is a good deal.
Only 22 hours left :c
« Last Edit: November 28, 2013, 03:07:28 PM by CJwarrior »

I want -

Sleeping dogs

left for dead 2

the walking dead

prison architect

castle story


state of decay

fallout collection


portal 2


payday 2

counter strike 1.6 or source

papers please

assassins creed

planetary annihilation

stanley parable

total war something

call of duty ghosts



arma 3

metro last light


max payne 3

ace of spades

stalker series

thanks, bye

I want -

Sleeping dogs

left for dead 2

the walking dead

prison architect

castle story


state of decay

fallout collection


portal 2


payday 2

counter strike 1.6 or source

papers please

assassins creed

planetary annihilation

stanley parable

total war something

call of duty ghosts



arma 3

metro last light


max payne 3

ace of spades

stalker series

thanks, bye

If I still had a job, I'd gift you Sleeping Dogs. <3

can RPG maker vx use infinite background tiles?

and by that I mean as many sets as you want? I read that some newer versions of RPG makers have a limit of like 6 tilesets you can use for alllll locations...
and that ultra sucks

otherwise I was thinking of it. I use to use old RPG makers back in the days when the only existing ones were fan-translated for English users.
I used it as a movie maker Lol. making "games" that were really just like long scenes of characters auto walking around doing a story.
« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 11:56:51 PM by Bisjac »

« Last Edit: November 27, 2013, 11:58:21 PM by awesomebread »

Audiosurf is 2 dollars on steam

Oh god I would love you if you bought me Final Fantasy VII or Skullgirls.