Author Topic: Marijuana Decriminalized In Texas  (Read 4586 times)

I can't wait till it's legal everywhere. Cuz then stoners will finally have nothing to talk about.

Alchoholics don't sit around drinking and discussing the fact that they are drinking. Or talk about when they drank last. Or when they can't wait to drink this weekend. Or have a story to tell about some bad ads booze they got today. Or all the money trading hands being the center of the hobby.
Its great.

Stoners apparently only have the amount of personality and purpose in life depending on the struggle they go through to keep up with the hobby.
It will be a glorious day when that is taken from them.

Okay, but once weed is legalized (probably will be by the looks of it), everyone will look to a new illegal drug.

Okay, but once weed is legalized (probably will be by the looks of it), everyone will look to a new illegal drug.
Have you tried Krodil! It cured my Cancer/Diabetes/baldness/hiv/herpes/dyslexia.

Have you tried Krodil! It cured my Cancer/Diabetes/baldness/hiv/herpes/dyslexia.
i hope youre joking because no one in their right mind would say krokodil is a cure for anything

Crocodiles cure hunger if you cook them right.

i hope youre joking because no one in their right mind would say krokodil is a cure for anything

he ain't

i hope youre joking because no one in their right mind would say krokodil is a cure for anything

he ain't
no one would joke about that dank stuff yo

Alchoholics don't sit around drinking and discussing the fact that they are drinking. Or talk about when they drank last. Or when they can't wait to drink this weekend. Or have a story to tell about some bad ads booze they got today. Or all the money trading hands being the center of the hobby.
Its great.

People totally do talk about alcohol in all those ways, though. People text me all the time like "dude I'm forgeted up" just wanting to talk about how good of a time they're having. I know the last time like all of my friends drank off the top of my head because we tell eachother -- I even talked about it with two different people today. Every time I buy expensive booze I send snapchats to like half my friends of us purchasing and then drinking it. In the same way we talk about how expensive the booze was for a party or something.

I really don't see why people care about marijuana so much. This is such a small change for such a small amount of the drug, and besides, you really shouldn't be doing it to begin with. I'm being dead serious when I say it does pose potential health risks, and people who outright deny this without any facts or sources to back up their claims are just outright ignorant.

Ranting aside, I'm sure a note-worthy bit of the population will find this news pretty exciting.
Well obviously it has bad side effects. Smoking anything will do that. And yes, it has a higher tar content than tobacco (4x as much) but this is balanced out by the rate of use. Nicotine cigarettes are addictive, a smoker would probably end up smoking more than 4x more than your average marijuana user.

The rationale is that since it has lesser side effects than alcohol and tobacco there's no reason for it to remain illegal and I'm inclined to agree
At the very least it should be decriminalized. What is rehabilitating about sending someone to jail for ingesting something that doesn't pose a risk to others? It's a huge cost to taxpayers to hold marijuana users in jail for so long. It'd also be great for the government to tax it and drum up some cash, and it would financially destroy several cartels that rely on marijuana sales to keep their trade profitable

People totally do talk about alcohol in all those ways, though. People text me all the time like "dude I'm forgeted up" just wanting to talk about how good of a time they're having. I know the last time like all of my friends drank off the top of my head because we tell eachother -- I even talked about it with two different people today. Every time I buy expensive booze I send snapchats to like half my friends of us purchasing and then drinking it. In the same way we talk about how expensive the booze was for a party or something.

That's not extacy what he's talking about though. You don't see people wearing booze shirts or shoes or snap backs or whatever. There are a lot of people in the weed community that parade that stuff around way too much. All that rasta 420 stuff.

That's not extacy what he's talking about though. You don't see people wearing booze shirts or shoes or snap backs or whatever. There are a lot of people in the weed community that parade that stuff around way too much. All that rasta 420 stuff.
That isn't a case for it being illegal. In fact if it were legalized that community would probably fade.

That isn't a case for it being illegal. In fact if it were legalized that community would probably fade.

I never said it was, I was just clarifying what Bisjac was saying about the community.

That isn't a case for it being illegal. In fact if it were legalized that community would probably fade.

of course it would. that is what we are saying.

this is a huge step for texas, after 100 years, were getting somewhere, hopefully the rest of the world will understand

Where the forget do you live in Texas? I live in Austin and literally nobody cares about pot.

Also Marijuana possession in small amounts has been a misdemeanor for the longest time. Once you go over that 2oz. limit it's a felony.

Protip: you don't get arrested for a joint in texas unless you're being investigated for something else.

That's not extacy what he's talking about though. You don't see people wearing booze shirts or shoes or snap backs or whatever. There are a lot of people in the weed community that parade that stuff around way too much. All that rasta 420 stuff.
Dude what are you talking about? People parade in alcohol related clothing all the time. I'm not even 21 and I rock a Dos Equis shirt all the time. My friends have Bud Light snapbacks. Lots of girls wear Patron / other expensive liquor shirts too.