Author Topic: if _ then _  (Read 2139 times)

If John Cena loses cleanly then someone's getting buried.

if i make a thread about my dreams then everyone is scared

If I kill someone then no one will notice because I'm white.

i think youre trying to go for the law of syllogism.

Riddler was white

my cat is white

Riddler is my cat.
fallacy of undistributed middle!!!!!1
also no, if then is propositional logic AKA boolean logic
« Last Edit: October 24, 2015, 01:20:53 PM by Ipquarx »

oh, like lua?

if 2>1 then print "forget you too" end

if you get a vaccine, then you get autism

If triangle then Illuminati

If I jack off then I leave

if i underscore then i wont underscore

If you have love with me, then you will get aids

if you look at me, then you will get eye cancer