Author Topic: Post stupid things you did or thought as a n00b.  (Read 2865 times)

I Didnt Really Seem To Do Anything Annoying When I Joined Right Guys!?
You were me!

Title says it all.

I used to think BLID was based on how often you were blocked by the E-Tard filter.
I didn't know this server was a clan so they were taking a picture so I wanted to be in it so I sat around doing random stuff.I got banned when I got back I sung I was not a noob to convince them.Banned again and again. Permanently.

Title says it all.

I used to think BLID was based on how often you were blocked by the E-Tard filter.
Man that is random do you still think that?

Back in V7.....

1. Built with spam bricks.

2. Didn't know how to change colors with the spray can thing.

3. Hammered everyone's bricks.

4. Spammed servers.

5. Used only white bricks to build.


1. Didn't use search.

2. Sometimes an starfish.


1. Gave out random trust invites.

2. Wanted everything my way.

3. Made starfish friends.

4. Was a badmin.

So, I'm pretty much an average person now. I learn from my mistakes.