Author Topic: Do the forums take offense/butthurt by terms such as...  (Read 3168 times)

The first four are alright.
Downy as an insult is just low, really. It doesn't paint you as smart or superior to use it.

He is right they are literally just words that have no meaning except what we give them but, we did not go through millions of years of evolution to spend our time insulting each other.
Unless we have. If so, brb, genocide crusade.

Downy as an insult is just low, really.
I don't think actually used it on the forums, just in my Skype clique haha.
I'll be sure not to use that one I guess.

I hate it when people use the word friend as a derogatory slur

its also pretty tasteless to use mental disorders as slurs

There's always a set of general insults that are ok to say when justified, or if it isn't directed at a person, like cunt or stuffhead.
Then there's the more specialized terms that will always offend a group/idea, like monday and bible humper (and maybe friend).
And then there's stuff like "downy" or handicap if directed at someone actually handicapped that are tasteless.

If variety 2 or 3 apply/offend you, then fine, speak up.
If variety 1 offends you, either get thicker skin or just cover your ears.

You forgot the trigger warning you stufflord cis scum check your privilege monday

You forgot the trigger warning you stufflord cis scum check your privilege monday
You used a trigger inducing slur you asshat straight cisgender end white male
Eat a bundle of richards stufflord and stop shoving your fragile masculinity down my throat you rapist.

i don't really care if anyone uses those terms, but the terms them-self are pretty overused and annoying

ive seen a recent decline in these terms used here but if you're offended you're a handicapped friend

ive seen a recent decline in these terms used here but if you're offended you're a handicapped friend
Witty joke here involving you being much more and funny then me jacking off while rubbing my nipples in self satisfaction.

He is right they are literally just words that have no meaning except what we give them but, we did not go through millions of years of evolution to spend our time insulting each other.

but we're so good at it

no. go to hell, monday.