Author Topic: Custom animation script by chrono  (Read 8419 times)

There is a script mentioned in this thread that can allow the use of custom animations on the default playertype and im asking if anybody still has a copy of it because all the download links dont work anymore

Try the archiver's discord.

Found this but dont know how useful it is.

Try the archiver's discord.

Found this but dont know how useful it is.
The directions in that thread make it seem like the script replaces default animations instead of adding them which wouldnt be as useful. And i rlly dont want 2 be forced 2 make a discord account but ill go ask there if nobody here has the script

yeah you cant add animations to default player, only replace, due to how the dts has data on the priority/types of animations. to add you'd need to reexport m.dts with more Sequences data (and not forget the model up by accident) and replace some of the dsq's with dsq's with more animations inside them

Asked the question in the archiver discord maybe they can help
yeah you cant add animations to default player, only replace, due to how the dts has data on the priority/types of animations. to add you'd need to reexport m.dts with more Sequences data (and not forget the model up by accident) and replace some of the dsq's with dsq's with more animations inside them
technically wouldnt there be 2 free slots cuz of visorup and boot

Found it from this thread
Code: [Select]
datablock TSShapeConstructor(aDts)
baseShape = "./content/player/m.dts";
sequence0 = "./content/player/m_root.dsq root";
sequence1 = "./content/player/m_run.dsq run";
sequence2 = "./content/player/m_run.dsq walk";
sequence3 = "./content/player/m_back.dsq back";
sequence4 = "./content/player/m_side.dsq side";
sequence5 = "./content/player/m_crouch.dsq crouch";
sequence6 = "./content/player/m_crouchRun.dsq crouchRun";
sequence7 = "./content/player/m_crouchBack.dsq crouchBack";
sequence8 = "./content/player/m_crouchSide.dsq crouchSide";
sequence9 = "./content/player/m_look.dsq look";
sequence10 = "./content/player/m_headSide.dsq headside";
sequence11 = "./content/player/m_headup.dsq headUp";
sequence12 = "./content/player/m_standjump.dsq jump";
sequence13 = "./content/player/m_standjump.dsq standjump";
sequence14 = "./content/player/m_fall.dsq fall";
sequence15 = "./content/player/m_root.dsq land";
sequence16 = "./content/player/m_armAttack.dsq armAttack";
sequence17 = "./content/player/m_armReadyLeft.dsq armReadyLeft";
sequence18 = "./content/player/m_armReadyRight.dsq armReadyRight";
sequence19 = "./content/player/m_armReadyBoth.dsq armReadyBoth";
sequence20 = "./content/player/m_spearReady.dsq spearready";
sequence21 = "./content/player/m_spearThrow.dsq spearThrow";
sequence22 = "./content/player/m_talk.dsq talk";
sequence23 = "./content/player/m_death1.dsq death1";
sequence24 = "./content/player/m_shiftUp.dsq shiftUp";
sequence25 = "./content/player/m_shiftDown.dsq shiftDown";
sequence26 = "./content/player/m_shiftAway.dsq shiftAway";
sequence27 = "./content/player/m_shiftTo.dsq shiftTo";
sequence28 = "./content/player/m_shiftLeft.dsq shiftLeft";
sequence29 = "./content/player/m_shiftRight.dsq shiftRight";
sequence30 = "./content/player/m_rotCW.dsq rotCW";
sequence31 = "./content/player/m_rotCCW.dsq rotCCW";
sequence32 = "./content/player/m_undo.dsq undo";
sequence33 = "./content/player/m_plant.dsq plant";
sequence34 = "./content/player/m_sit.dsq sit";
sequence35 = "./content/player/m_wrench.dsq wrench";
sequence36 = "./content/player/m_activate.dsq activate";
sequence37 = "./content/player/m_activate2.dsq activate2";
sequence38 = "./content/player/m_leftrecoil.dsq leftrecoil";
sequence39 = "./content/player/m_Aim.dsq aim";

datablock PlayerData(animationPlayer : PlayerStandardArmor)
shapeFile = "./content/player/m.dts";
uiName = "Animation Test";

function serverCmdJumpy(%client)
function servercmdheed(%c,%t){%c.player.setArmThread(%t);}
function servercmdthread(%c,%t,%s){%c.player.playThread(%s,%t);}