Author Topic: Striker Unit and Striker Jet [Repost]  (Read 1985 times)

So, a repost since the old topic is too old to reply to.
I should really have just one thread for all the stuff I make, but I don't produce stuff frequently enough for that.

who needs pants when you can fly
The leg-magic-plane-engines of the best girl in the series.

Basically, this is an item, much like the skis or jetpack, which mounts you on a Striker Unit when you use it. You then fly around clumsily while shooting aliens or some stuff, I dunno. Includes the cutest spinning propellers

Here's it in action:

Damn thing is hard to fly.

Download Striker Unit

Code - Makanix and TomTheGeek (Jetpack)
Contrail - Kaje and Ephialtes (Stunt Plane)
Model and the rest - Pompmaker1

Also introducing the Striker Jet, a turbo-charged Striker which can go twice the speed but turns slower.

Download Striker Jet
« Last Edit: September 06, 2016, 09:45:01 AM by Pompmaker2 »

the striker jet reminds me of the cave story booster you got

This is a must-have addon for servers that are really just for messing around alongside most fortwars and probably some other gamemodes. It would be cool in a deathmatch.

downloaded it months ago and everyone at mine love it!
they love it so much that they stopped building