
Is Ekko OP?

He's strong.
Definitely not.
He's weak.

Author Topic: (]League of Legends[) - Ekko released!  (Read 163002 times)

get fed -> kill enemy -> take objective -> win
for me most games go like
get fed > kill enemy > take objectives in my lane > try to help other lanes win

I'm not gonna be the guy that says he gets feeders on his team every game, but it's really annoying when you do get one.

The curse of the sad mummy

cri evrtiem

suddenly i have an extremely strong urge to play amumu

so what do you guys think of new trist

havent played yet but seems a lot better

so what do you guys think of new trist

probably the loveiest champion and also a lot of fun to play but i dont like her new voice

the new marauder / inquisitor skins jesus christ

can't believe naut got such a cool skin, gon b hard 2 pick between that one and abyssal

probably the loveiest champion and also a lot of fun to play but i dont like her new voice
it sounds like vi's

new trist is loads of fun, she pushes towers so fast with e
her kit is a lot more interesting now

The mumu song is sooo good!


this is getting ridiculous
This proves my theory that it's not the amount of kills you have that decides if you win...

...it's the amount of Akalis you have.

This proves my theory that it's not the amount of kills you have that decides if you win...

...it's the amount of Akalis you have.
Akali just got gutted, no more double q proc

Akali just got gutted, no more double q proc

you can still proc it with aa or r

it doesnt proc on ult?
« Last Edit: January 30, 2015, 01:25:30 PM by Anybody »