Author Topic: Playertype animation problems (Posted an example playertype + .blend)  (Read 2129 times)

My playertype animations are messed up. My playertype is a very simple model with 3 main (torso, hips, (one) foot) bones in the body and 4 arm (L/R arm, L/R forearm) bones.

Usually when you are "idlind" ie. just standing still and not doing anything the "root" animation should be playing. Except in my case the very first frame of the "activate" animation is playing at the same time as the root animation and it never goes away regardless of what I do.

My "crouch" animation animates the torso, hips, and foot bones, 2 arm bones and it has a priority of 6.
"crouchRun" animation animates the  torso, hips, and foot bones and has priority 7.
"headside" animation (priority 13) animates the torso and hips.

If I have this animation defined in the script (as opposed to making that animation the "root" animation) the "crouchrun" animation does not play. Note that simply defining this animation breaks the crouchrun animation. I am not using the free look while crouching and moving.

Fixed. Priority issue.
« Last Edit: March 29, 2013, 09:17:11 AM by Demian »

Okay so the second problem was just a priority issue. Does anyone have any idea why the activate animation is playing at the same time as root? I've also tried renaming the activate animation+DSQ but that didn't help.

I should also mention that my activate2 (both arms flailing) gets stuck after it finished playing: I spam click, the animations plays, I stop clicking and don't do anything, the activate2 animation is stuck at last frame.
« Last Edit: March 11, 2013, 02:23:54 PM by Demian »

.blend file?
I can't really provide that. I'll see if I can replicate it.

Okay this is pretty bizarre. This has to be something in Blockland not a Blender problem. My "back" animation is cyclic of course. I just tried making that the "activate" animation and the now the "back" animation is constantly playing even though I'm not moving at all. This happens with all the other animations as well.

I think it's safe to say at this point that when you are not doing anything both "root" and "activate" animations are playing at the same time. What the hell. Why?

Okay then. Here's a quick playertype that has the root and activate animations playing at the same time. Blend file and log included.

I really need help with this because I have no clue why this is happening.

How do you even .dsq?
You press the DSQ button on the animation you want to export as a DSQ file.

Happened to me before... my add-on trolled me.

Oh, the wonderful joys of Blender animations in 3D game engines. (I lied, it's horribly frustrating) I'm having weird problems with my player too. I'm not really sure why it's happening.