
What kind of Minigame should we have? (Poll ends on July 11th)

Random Minigame thingy
Unnamed Minigame
Other (Post below)

Author Topic: Future Corporation!  (Read 5686 times)

Hey guys, Left-4-Dead Noob here! I just wanted you guys to see my Future Co. build as of today! Last time i uploaded, I was told there wasn't enough color, or customization. That all changed! Take a look:



So much customization and colors!

Snazzy AFK rooms!

Refreshing showers! (Don't worry, Male and Female are separated.)

I'll get you more pictures later.. I'm in a bit of a jam here. There's a man who thinks he's "So cool" and saved the file for this build and is threatening to upload it. Well here's news for you: I don't care. Its incomplete. And your ban will never be lifted. For downloading Future Co. TWICE! You didn't CHANGE and you weren't a NOOB. You still are a noob. And you prolly never WILL change. Anyways, back on the topic... I'll post a download link if i get enough feedback.

You can connect to this server at 4:00 pm eastern american time on weekdays. If you ask for admin, or download build, you will be banned. Upload it if you wish, but your at your own risk. To be trolled, BY MY EPIC COPYRIGHT:

Copyright, Left-4-Dead Noob, Chocolate (GodDammitsChoclate on Youtube: http://www.youtube.com/user/goddammitschoclate?feature=results_main) If you take this, I dun givvah shat. (this is not a valid copyright)

Did I mention customization?

Part of the Miso Sushi place.


Art by our guy, DefinitelyNOTBlitzcrank

Stove in secret room.

Added Secret Sector.

New shop for buying room upgrades. (Expansions and New Doors)

New bathroom upgrade.

New eatery.

Lots of Wedges.

VIP Hall: 15%
School: 75% (To be removed?)
Library: 75%
Office: 100%
Elevators: 100%
Internet Cafe 100%
"Gunz" 80%


7/15/12 Update: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=199098.msg5506247#msg5506247
7/26/12 Update: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=199098.msg5556685#msg5556685
Final July Update: http://forum.blockland.us/index.php?topic=199098.msg5560382#msg5560382

I...was...THERE! :D
Cool! Did you enjoy it?
« Last Edit: August 06, 2012, 08:20:59 AM by wowowlop1 »

There's not much to see.

I'm still adding more pics. And its incomplete as i said.

Nice try. I really encourage you add more detail.
« Last Edit: July 02, 2012, 10:24:45 PM by Alkatjo »

Bumpity Bump Bump Bump.

If you can't tell, the picture of the tree leaves being eaten by the monster was inspired by a movie that I think was named 1000 words, where he had a tree, and the tree lost a leaf every time he spoke, and then he ran out of leaves and died. :3 Read at your own risk.
« Last Edit: July 03, 2012, 08:12:18 AM by wowowlop1 »

Nice try. I really encourage you add more detail.

It needs more furniture and props,

Putting a red line in the wall is a good technique to set what kind of setting you want; E.g lab

I would give it a 5/10

It needs more furniture and props,

Putting a red line in the wall is a good technique to set what kind of setting you want; E.g lab

I would give it a 5/10
Yeah, it's still kinda being worked on. I'm trying to make more shops and all. The only food shop so far is free, and I used VCE for an interesting money system.
Thanks for the feedback!

Buuuuuuuuuuuuuuummmmnmmmmmmmm mmmmmppppppp

The build is kind of boring to look at; try making some curves and angles and stuff like that, and of course, props.

The build is kind of boring to look at; try making some curves and angles and stuff like that, and of course, props.
Thanks for the suggestion. I'll get right on it!

Cmon! I need more feedback!