Author Topic: Blockland on PSP!!  (Read 17538 times)

I first thought Gmod on PSP, but the lack of buttons on it makes it hard, but Blockland isn't that bad about it. It could also use button combos to do certain things, like moving obviously uses the brown townog nub, left right, duh. Ummm, well you get the picture... I have also done my own little Photoshop spoof of it! XD

can't it be on wii instead? I wanted to play this.

On DS it would work better, D-Pad to move, Stylus to move the camera around in first person, And tap to build!
And the other buttons for menu and add-ons.

At first I was like omg gimme some then you tricked me

It would really work.  :cookieMonster:

Glad you guys like it!  :cookieMonster:
It doesn't have to be exclusively on the PSP, it could be on the NDS or Wii! One of those universal games!

Technically you could play Blockland on a PSP, but it would simply act like a monitor and a controller. You'd still have to be running it on your computer.

I like the idea on psp, I think graphics would suck on nds.

Technically you could play Blockland on a PSP, but it would simply act like a monitor and a controller. You'd still have to be running it on your computer.

You can play BL on a PS3.

stream my game ftw.

Technically you could play Blockland on a PSP, but it would simply act like a monitor and a controller. You'd still have to be running it on your computer.

You can play BL on a PS3.

stream my game ftw.
Holy stuff, srsly?  The web browser supports it?!  EPIC!  I need to run Gmod on it.

Badspot pretty much built this game single handedly, would he just give it to a team of people he doesn't know?

Wait, I'd want a Linux disk to do the PS3 thing.  Jerks.

While I think that this idea would would be awesome....
If you think the LAG is bad on your parents' 5 year-old computer, then think about how bad it would be on a handheld. The brick limit would decrease from 128,000 to something under 10,000. Servers wouldn't be online but would have to be local using AD HOC, or XlinkKai if you have it. There wouldn't be the ability to download mods, unless there was 'official'  downloadable content. It could possibly work, but there could be some problems.

I have a beta of that Punk thing, it's fun, I ported it, it works well.  I'll post a picture soon.