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Messages - Amade

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Off Topic / Re: Feminists Celebrate loveually Transmitted Diseases!
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:27:13 PM »
when feminists talk about people saying "I would never date a fat/black/trans person"/"I find all fat/black/trans people ugly" they're not saying you're obliged to date any random fat/black/trans person or find any random fat/black/trans person attractive, but rather that you really shouldn't make such broad blanket statements. You can't possibly know that you wouldn't ever date a fat/black/trans person or find a fat/black/trans person attractive because you couldn't have possibly seen every such person, let alone gotten to know them well (This is especially true in the case of trans people because many trans people pass well enough that people don't even realize they're trans). I used to think that I would never find a black woman attractive until I got to be good friends with one and realized that I did actually become attracted to her, though we never dated.

Studies have proven that the pay gap is not due to loveism though, so it's pointless for feminists to get uptight about it.
you also don't know what you're talking about.

The common """""debunking""""" of the 77-cent wage gap figure explains that the gap is a product of women's choices, because women tend to choose lower-paying jobs. In fact, the original study that produced this figure discussed this. This explanation is not the end of the discussion but rather the start. Here's an incredibly thorough research publication discussing the pay gap, and Here's an article written by two women with Ph.D.s in economics who are far more qualified to have this discussion than either of us is.

anyways i dont get why these "feminists" support STDs when they damage the body
... what? There's a difference between supporting people who have STDs and supporting STDs, you dork.

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 15, 2016, 02:10:20 PM »
hey let me ask you a question

do genitals define gender
how could they?

Looks like Amade caught the brain virus too.  This is honestly becoming an epidemic at this point lol.

The Tumblr stuff he is saying.  It's a brain virus.
everything I'm saying predates tumblr by decades, buddy

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 15, 2016, 11:03:44 AM »
Thread has degenerated into an argument about tumblrisms and genders. Wonderful.
TIL trans people were invented on tumblr

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 15, 2016, 09:12:40 AM »
phone autocorrected, meant to type "slur"
And thinking about it, "shemale", is more of a word used to describe a transgender woman with a snake, " transmission", is a straight up slur, if you are so offended by it, I'm sorry but I don't understand why. Please educate me so I don't make any more mistakes

also I do talk to openly transgender people, Donnie is one of my "favorite" forum friends to talk to, it's not that relevant now but I'm just putting it out there.
Shemale is drawing emphasis to the "man in a dress" charicature of trans women and is a form of misgendering. Misgendering trans people is not ok. It's as simple as that.

Off Topic / Re: Help me with a biology project! (Poll) (fixed)
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:38:59 AM »
never work out, and the resting heart rate I just measured was 82 bpm.
It's probably going to work better if people just submit them in posts so you can actually link your data

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:27:47 AM »
which is why you're calling me a child
I'm calling you a child because you're acting like one.

clownfish is being sarcastic
no stuff

Off Topic / Re: Feminists Celebrate loveually Transmitted Diseases!
« on: April 15, 2016, 12:26:17 AM »
where do you have a problem with what he said
all of it

Off Topic / Re: Feminists Celebrate loveually Transmitted Diseases!
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:16:01 PM »
Watch, just watch. They are going to say that it's diseasist to discriminate against women who have STDs.

It's bad enough that you're a family man if you don't want to have love with a gay man.

You're a fatphobe if you don't want love with a fat woman.

You are now a diseasephobe if you don't want to do anything with a woman that has an STD.
lol you have no idea what you're talking about

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:14:31 PM »
I just wanna say that I don't see the slut part of "shemale", I'm not trying to start a huge fight
It doesn't have anything to do with slut shaming.

you loving transmission shemale mondays need to stop loving fighting in this thread because I'm sick of you all acting like friend kikes
Did you act like this with swear words when you realized you could say them when Mommy and Daddy aren't around too?

Off Topic / Re: Tobuscus accused of rape.
« on: April 14, 2016, 09:55:47 PM »
You sent me a PM saying how transmission or shemale is offensive.
TIL not being a transphobe makes you an skeleton

You must be handicapped to think a word, with a history of being used to dehumanize a whole race, is on par with "shemale" or "transmission".
I love that in arguing that those aren't slurs you felt the need to evoke even more slurs

You must be handicapped to think a word, with a history of being used to dehumanize a whole race, is on par with "shemale" or "transmission".
Oppression is not a contest. Those are all slurs, and whether or not one is worse than the others isn't relevant.

shemale imo isnt and transmission is debatable but "monday" is way worse, bro
in your opinion as a person who is not trans and who I would not hesitate to assume has never talked to an openly trans person?

General Discussion / Re: How did you found out about blockland?
« on: April 14, 2016, 03:33:04 PM »
An ad on

General Discussion / Re: Reverie Fort Wars
« on: April 14, 2016, 12:04:51 PM »
ah yes i remember this, hosting it was a pain in the ass because i had to fix a lot of the stuff from what pecon released (while still having issues), but still very fun.
Yeah, the version that I released was not at all stable. The version that's currently available is much more stable - it's actually been used in hosting without problems.

The ghost limit has to be set to the maximum as well fyi when hosting. While the world will still work if this is not set higher, players can't build.
Thanks for the tip. I made a note of it in the OP.

Modification Help / Re: Special Sword prototype
« on: April 14, 2016, 11:51:22 AM »
Some of your vector math is really oddly scripted (if not wrong)

You do this to get the projectile's speed
Code: [Select]
%velAvg = (mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 0)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 1)) + mAbs(getWord(%proj.getVelocity(), 2))) / 3;You actually need to take the square root of the sum of the squares of the components (i.e., (x2+y2+z2)1/2), but this function does all of that for you concisely:
Code: [Select]
%velAvg = vectorLen(%proj.getVelocity());
This function will get the angle between two vectors for you
Code: [Select]
function getVectorAngle(%vec1, %vec2)
%vec1n = VectorNormalize(%vec1);
%vec2n = VectorNormalize(%vec2);

%vdot = VectorDot(%vec1n, %vec2n);
%angle = mACos(%vdot);

// convert to degrees and return
%degangle = mRadToDeg(%angle);
return %degangle;

There's a much quicker way to do this part:
Code: [Select]
if(%repelForce > %proj.origVelocity * 2.25)
   %repelForce = (2.25 * %proj.origVelocity); //We have to cap it at some point.
if(%repelForce <= %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2)
   %repelForce = (%proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2); //Also imposing a minimum.
mClampF(%num, %min, %max) will force %num to be between %min and %max ("clamping" the range of values), so you can shorten the above to
Code: [Select]
%repelForce = mClampF(%repelForce, %proj.getDatablock().muzzleVelocity / 2, %proj.origVelocity * 2.25);

... parrying is only supposed to last as long as the sword swing resolves. How would I manage to avoid a situation like that in which the code breaks, and the blocking is continuous?
All you need to do here is make sure to construct the image datablock so that the states involved in parrying don't allow the player to change images and make sure the only transition from the parry start state is to the parry stop state.

Gallery / Re: Sci-fi Dystopian RP map.
« on: April 10, 2016, 11:32:18 AM »
This is great! I love the atmosphere. I only wish that the screenshots were higher quality.

General Discussion / Re: Reverie Fort Wars
« on: April 09, 2016, 11:00:52 PM »
It's back!

Is Pecon7 still letting you use BlockNet to host?
I haven't messed with it. If it seems like I'm going to be working on this for a while I'll probably buy some more server time.

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